


:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: Just wanted to clarify something, I said something stupid before and want to fix things (The original thread was closed after my question was answered, PLEASE don't seek it out if you don't know already... it's embarrassing.)

Basically, I was trying to ask a straight question, but the fact that I was in withdrawl (Antidepressants, perfectly legal and prescribed - Efexor if you know what that is) AND sleep deprivation (chronic insomnia, diagnosed) AND the fact it was one in the morning AND, above all, my REALLY FRIGGIN' BAD DEPRESSION made it come out funny. (I was not on anything illegal, I don't drink smoke do drugs or anything like that, I just have problems coping sometimes)

I didn't realize how it looked until much later, when I looked at it with a clear head *shudder*... By that time the thread was closed. (On a side note, would an admin PLEASE delete that? So embarrassing... I'd really appreciate it)

What I was actually trying to ask, as far as I can remember, was how the rules are enforced. I mostly get the gist of it now, the whole page thing by the way was me trying to ask if the pages had to be with parents/guardians/older siblings, or if they could be in a cabin with their friends, or whatever... I think. This whole matter makes me disgusted at myself, I didn't know I was capable of such conotations. To the guy who threatened me with physical violence, I'll help you beat the guy up.

(I am violently anti-molestation... a close friend of mine was raped at a young age, she now has multiple personalities, chronic insomnia, asthma, chronic depression, suicidal tendancies, and for the longest time she was a self-mutilator, or 'cutter')

In any case, I hope this clears things up... I apologize profusely to everyone I offended :( and hope I have the sense to stay away from net forums when I'm depressed in the future.