Opening Announcements and Announcements Through the Event


Hey all! Just some quick announcements:

  1. We (Jason, Barbara, Emma, Canada and Ashley) are the plot team! Yay! You can direct questions about the event to us, and we’ll get back to you ASAP.
  2. We’re still working on assignments for mods for late attendees. They’ll be out tomorrow!
  3. High Ogres! We’re no longer going to be portraying them with yellow skin in our chapter because yellow face. Instead, they will have normal skin colour and tusks. You might see some of those today. You can still wear yellow if you want, but we won’t be.
  4. We have a multimedia channel! You should go check it out! If you want to respond, link your response in that channel too!
  5. How breakout rooms work: In Zoom calls, if you want to move to a different breakout room, just post your display name, the room you’re in and the room you want to go to in the #locations-for-zoom-calls channel. Please don’t clog it up with other stuff. If you post something like “whatever room Shin is in,” please give us some time to find that person.
  6. Request a Mod system: You can request a mod by sending plot an email with a list of players, some times that work well for you, the medium you want to use (discord, roll20, zoom, etc) and the story hook you’d like. We have some pre-made ones, or you can suggest other things if you want. :)
  7. Info cards will be released to Announcements channel and on the Forums over the course of the next couple of days. Check those out and if they say email something to plot, please do.
  8. If you aren’t familiar with our Romantic RP Policy, please be sure to read up on that on our website before engaging in Romantic RP with new people. Thanks!

Hello everyone! Thank you for coming to our online event! We really appreciated having everyone around, and we hope you will come back if we have another of these. It has been very fun getting to “see” all of you again <3 . Keep an eye open for a feedback form that will be going up soon, because we want to hear how you thought different parts of the event went so we know how to improve things going forward.

Some quick announcement-like things:

1) Plot is going to be taking a short break. We worked really hard to put on this event, and we want to be ready to go for another one, if that’s where things go. As a result, we’re going to be taking a month off. Expect to hear from us again in late September!

2) **Downtimes:** You get one group downtime and a second downtime that you can spend on either a solo or a group downtime (either way to a total of two). If you are a part of a group downtime and not the original sender, you must reply with “I’m in” before the downtime deadline. Downtimes will be due on SEPTEMBER 20TH AT 11:59 PM!

3) **Favourite moments!** Please share with us your favourite moments in this thread right here:

4) The Tavern will remain open until tomorrow, if you need more time to RP. We’ll close it down sometime tomorrow, so get those last moments in now!

Thank you so much for attending, we appreciate it greatly! Looking forward to seeing you next time!