Orcs and Ogres!


I, Thousand Bones of the Bleeding Eye, call a rally of the green and yellow skins! Bones wants to know who you are and what your plans are in the next month! Bones wants to test your skill in combat and see what you are made of.

Bones would also like to see those he has already come to know. Bones wants to drink and be merry with his allies and meat shields. We have games to play and goblins to kill.

Thousand Bones of the Bleeding Eye

Harkonian Slayer
Phoenix Foe
The Lich Butcher
Executioner of the Heart Drinker
Defiler of Echoes
The Goblin Cleaver
Elemental Bane
Alliance Maker
Duke of the Silvermaw
Bones!!! You live!!! Making friends wuz harder then I thought, not being the only greenskin will help with dis.
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Gidjit, friends are easy when you prove yourself. You have proven yourself to Bones many times growing up. You are resourceful, cunning, and witty. And you make people feel safe around you. This I know. Show the town this and they will believe in you like they do Bones. See when Bones first met these people, I was "rough around the edges". I didn't know the culture or customs and assumed they knew mine. I actually had a Gypsy Matron punch me in the face with a magical breath of a dragon. Yeah, I pissed her off big time. But we made friendly and we all learned something from the interaction.

Just be who you are. But do with with respect for those you meet until they prove you wrong. So far, no one in town has proved Bones wrong in placing my faith and trust in them. Just watch, Gidjit, you will see.

Though I still don't understand why no one likes eating cockroaches... weird customs. Seriously weird...

Thousand Bones of the Bleeding Eye

Harkonian Slayer
Phoenix Foe
The Lich Butcher
Executioner of the Heart Drinker
Defiler of Echoes
The Goblin Cleaver
Elemental Bane
Alliance Maker
Duke of the Silvermaw

A number of us will be traveling to Elara. If you join us, be wary. I'd rather not welcome you back using an Earth Circle.

Be safe, my friend.

Elara? Where in the bloody battlefields of Vrogosh is that? Bah! Bones leaves for 4 months and come back to the whole world being tossed up into the air!

Anyone have any good news about the refugees in the area of our town? I have trained them as best I can without actually killing them and making the res to learn from their mistakes. How are they... I have a certain amount of respect for those who come from nothing and can make something of themselves.

Bones wants to know what is going on. Bones doesn't like it when he is left in the dark. That is why we have scouts in armies... to know what is going on and prepare for them.

You can tell Bones what is going on?
A dwarven voice replies," We thought more goblins at the gathering last. Our biggest problem was the introduction of something called Equilibrium. It bound itself to a dwarf and so we had to fight off the Legion to protect her."

I know little beyond that having been aiding my brother dwarves."
... It'll be good to see you again Bones...

You were punched...in the face...with a magical breath of a dragon..by a Gypsy Matron...I have to hear the rest of that story.
Bones! Another thing that feels important, though I don't understand it completely. Creatures like goblins and such were being stuck to the side of a cabin and a minute later the ward was gone. They were dead. Some mornings were exciting. :)
Yeah... long story... in short, some gypsy matron got pissy with Bones because Bones was pissy with her people. So she yells at Bones, to which Bones yells back. You know, like when we were younglings and we would make challenges to each other; testing each others will. So Bones gets in her face and yells some more telling her to back down... you know... showing her that I am a powerful force to be reckoned with. So what does she do? She punches me in the face while casting a Dragon's Breath.

Knocks... Bones... Out... Cold...

So moral of the story: Don't back down from any fight. In the end, her and I have a mutual respect for one another. She may not like how Bones acts and Bones could care less. But at least we respect one another.

Also... BLOOD MAGIC! Bones is telling you! It can do anything. This is why I tell everyone that Wards are a waste of time! They won't hold anything out if those things want to get inside your homes! Might as well defend yourselves with brute force and might.

And wait... Elara... Home of the Dark Elves and... Dryads??? Oh no. More Verdant Lords and Ladies? I don't know if my knees can handle the scrapping and groveling I will be doing in Elara!
Hey, I happen to think that Dryads are completely great. Still a bit sad about Sidjik dying though. But I'm starting to get Buds now, so I may even be blooming soon. It will be so much fun.

Verdant who's and what's it's? Never heard of them. Gally! Hi!
Thousand Bones,

I would suggest you verify your information before risking what I can only hope is accidental insult. The denizens of Elara are those of hardship and honor, and l believe you would find much purpose among their number -- should you not continue to speak brash words in their presence or vicinity. Should those on the surface not find issue with your insulting words, you would need to behave moreso for the Ælves in the trees.

I look forward to educating you further on matters of honor.
Eli, I look forward to sharing more than a handful of words with you. Though save your honor speech. Bones has no need of your lessons. Bones is capable of much honor and has proven himself more than once to the town.

Galley... I don't know what budding is... and I don't think I want to know. Just do your whole Verdant Lady thing and let Bones be. Ha ha ha! I mean no offense, Mistress of the Leaves...

Zeth! Yes. It will be nice to see you and your fellow skunks again. In all seriousness though, I hope you have all been well?

And "D", if I don't see you... you owe me the right to punch you in the face. Ha! I hope you are well, my friend!

It is wise to keep your pride from overwhelming your sense. The dark elves have much in the way of honor, and even if Eli's...method of wording can come across more lecturing than one might like, I believe his culture has a great deal to teach one who can open himself to learning.

Be wary when deciding what rafts you don't need...some float better in some currents than others.
