Please give us your feedback!


Hey dudes.

As you know, we on staff at NH feel like we had a fairly baller 2013-2014 season. In fact, we thought it was superb, and we are currently recovering from sprained shoulders as the result of patting ourselves on the back.

Unfortunately for us, sitting around remembering how great we are doesn't help us improve.

For that, we need to turn to you, our delightful patrons of the New Hampshire chapter. We would like you to give us your feedback, both positive and negative. What did you enjoy over the past season? What didn't work for you?

What would you like to see more of?

Please send your emails to one or all of the following:
deadlandsovermind at gmail dot com
deadlandsgm at gmail dot com
deadlandswizard at gmail dot com

We'll disperse the information and use it to make you sad (in a fun way that makes you glad you came to game).

NOTE: We're working on an anonymous survey form, too. If you have some stuff to say that you would rather say from the comfort of anonymity, hang out until we get that up and running.
Is the survey form still going to come out?

I could use some sort of feedback prompt; along the lines of "How did we do on this?" or "How could we improve that?" I keep staring at this draft email trying to figure out what to write that isn't just 'You're all amazing', and then not writing the email at all.