Plot Notes - The first few days


With the death of the Architect, there was hope the battle would end, but alas that was not to be the case, the Gaden Military still fights the advancing hordes as does Pratorak, however the Architect's death has severed the strongest magics from the weave and many of the attacking corrupt that remain are lacking their greatest strength.

On Tuesday, long range scouts start to report something never seen before, the end of the corrupt reinforcements can be seen, as they continue to march forward from the area around the nodes closest to the edge of the corrupted land the size of the gap between the edge of the corrupt lines and their lands grows.

The lines of both Gaden and Pratorak are holding, and the end of the assault is in sight, but the fight is not over and the stream of reinforcements hold enough corrupt for the battle to continue to rage throughout the week.
A week later, the last of the line impacts the Kingdom's defenses, the final attacker falls and for the first time in years the sounds of battle fall silent. Exhausted, a few find the energy to cheer, others to weep in relief.

A King sees his dream seemingly realized as he looks to his Duke and orders the disjunction of the fresh troops (or at least, the least exhausted) to the allied lines in Pratorak to route what little remains of the attack on their borders.

In Roskaria, children are informed that they will be returning home over the coming weeks to reunite with their families.

a precious small few begin their preparations for the final Ritual of Remembrance, realizing before most, that after this year, its is a holiday that will never again be needed.