Plot Point Awarded


After conferring with the other owners and with Louis. We've decided to issue a plot point to Taed Price (@Grianadhmad).

Typically we issue these for outstanding moments in game, this one is a bit different. Taed was put in a situation that as a he could have gotten negative about. Instead, he had a great and positive up beat attitude about it. We all saw this and thought it was important to encourage this kind of behavior.

Congratulations Taed.

You can read about plot points here.

Seriously that's awesome. I agree, we'll earned. Atmosphere is important in our game and toxic ones are contagious. But so are amazing attitudes like yours!

Great job
I don't even know what I did tbh, but thank you :)
I definitely agree. This was well earned. Thanks for being such a positive force in our game Taed!