Plot Teaser for April


Roanoke Staff
Excursions in Valor

April: The Month of Cloudburst

As winter fades into spring and releases its grip upon Elaria,the miasma recedes back toward the crack. The spring thaw reveals the damage and destruction left in the wake of the miasma and blight of the land.
Niko the Owlkin, Mayor of Silvervale Outpost, has been beak-deep in books from all corners of Tel’Vania trying to gather new information. Many strange whispers have fallen upon his ears as well as tomes into his hands, rumors of ancient languages, and mysterious symbols found on Archaeological digs. The caterpillar's cocoon right outside the meadery is teeming with life. Townsfolk gawk and revel in the excitement of the day it emerges.
Following the departure of Baron Rast Vorton many months ago, rumor of his return with vastly increased numbers has been mentioned around Silvervale. Rumor has it that Baron Vorton’s army has amassed even greater numbers and have encamped at the edges of the Elarian Forest, far off from the main road. Scouts investigating the goings on in the Forest have reported that this encampment is no mere gathering of tents in the woods but an actual structure is being built: a large encampment with walls all around, some of the forest destroyed to make room for it. Several Scouting parties from Elderwood investigating Rast have seemingly vanished without a trace while out on patrol.