Post Event Letters


Chicago Staff
To those who braved the wind and chill of the Herrick Lake One-Day, ¡Thank you All! It was all the fun! To everyone who couldn't make it, ¡we missed you!

As you recuperate today, please take a few minutes to send a quick Post Event Letter to about the event. It'll help both you and the game.

Right off the bat, you'll get 30 Goblin Stamps for five minutes of work and hitting send. Easy money.

But more importantly, you get a chance to tell us What You Liked, so we can give you more of that. Plot uses these letters to tailor and focus the game - if you don't tell us what you want (what you really, really want), we can't give you what you want (what you really, really want). Not to mention, you get a chance to chat about what your character did, so we can follow up and build more plot for You (it's totally a way to sneak in more IBGA bang for your buck. ¡Shhh! don't tell Rob! It's a secret).

Finally, you help plot by letting us know what we did well and what we can improve, which makes us happy but also makes your life better in the long wrong. ¡Everybody wins! Thanks!
For those of you who have sent them in many thanks! There is no deadline other than what your memory allows!