Pre-reg for December 2011 Event


Pre-reg is now CLOSED!!
(Please still send in your pre-reg information if you are planning on coming to the event, while you may not get the discount you can help make Friday night check-in faster and easier for all of us.)

Please fill out our pre-reg form here
(If you have questions on how to Pre-Reg, please check out this post.)

If you have any BP expenditures please try to take care of them before you pre-reg, that way your requests and pre-regs will not get over looked. Thanks!

This is for the Alliance Oregon December 9-11, 2011 weekend event, A Hard Winter's Night, at Brooks Memorial ELC State Park, near Goldendale, WA.

Pre-reg will close on Friday, December 2nd, at 11:59 PM.

Event Fees
  • PC: $65.00 at the door, $50.00 if you pre-reg.
  • Advance page: $40.00 at the door, $30.00 if you pre-rg.
  • Page: $30.00 at the door, $20.00 if you pre-reg.
  • NPC: Free, NPC food is $10.00.

Pre-reg's received as of 12/03/2011:
Brian J - Ashok
Tony M - Raganzi
Gabriel - Darien
Andy S - Tantarus
Jimmy H - Virid
Ryan W - Luke
Ashe - Caoimhe
Norman B - Karzel
Matt O - Iftikaahr
Ron L - Alcandar
Sabeqwa - Nanna
Tony C - Tode
Paul G - Wicked
Amy Middleswart - NPC
Evan Rawson - Zeth
Kevin Morano - Flynn
Bryan Gregory - Arannin
Bill B - Black
Carmen S - Roan
Dexter D - Bowie
Brittany S - Takara
Jeremy H - Vavarick
Jared B - New Character
Barbara M - Prashka
Marc D - Masticon
Raissa D - Caana
Nick B - Hugh
Seth B - Vishkin

Character Transfers received as of 12/03/2011:
Gabriel - Darien
Nick B - Hugh
Sam G - Tahlro
Ron L - Alcandar
Sabeqwa - Nanna
Brian J - Ashok
Tony M - Raganzi
Evan R - Zeth
Kevin M - Flynn

If you feel you should be on this list and are not, please email logistics and let us know. Thanks!
Disregard. I think the issue had to do with either my company's firewall at work or an operating system error.
Just a heads up!

Cymryc and I will be arriving on site between 7-8pm. As soon as we get the car unpacked we will setup Logistics and get it running. I would suggest getting ready before then or as close to ready as you can be. We will do our best to get you through logistics as fast as possible. With that in mind I would like to keep the kitchen area free of people just standing around and chatting it up.

If you have not signed a new legal release please be sure to do so when you checkin. If we do not have a current legal release for you, you will not get to play until one is signed.

Be sure to have all the things you need for checkin with you when you come.
