Pre-reg for September 18, 2011 Game Day - Winds of Change


We have a game day on September 18, 2011 at the Fort at Scouter's Mountain . Details of the game day can be found here. Directions to Scout's Mountain can be found here.

If you plan on attending please pre-reg via our pre-reg forum on the website, here, or send it to

Pre-reg will close on Wednesday, September 14, 2011 at 11:59pm.

Please be aware that if you do not Pre-reg you will need to bring a copy of your character card with you from a previous event to use. If you do not, you many not get to PC the game day. And a reminder that you can not spend build at the game day.

Prices for the Game day are as follows:
PC - $15.00
NPC - Free

Pre-reg's received as of 9/15/2011:
Shane R. - Rain
Andy G - Marcus
Bill B - Black
Ron L - Alcandar
Barbara M - Prashka
Carmen S - Roan
Tony C. - Tode
Jimmy H - Virid
Matt O - Iftikhaar
Brian J - Ashok
Scott K - Mixer
Doug C - Chicken Leg Jack
Dashiel C - Jack Jr
Corbin C - Burberry
Chloe M - Cestiel
Nick B - Hugh

Character Transfers received as of 9/15/11:
Shane R - Rain
Ron L - Alcandar
Barbara M - Prashka
Chloe M - Cestiel

If you are not on the lists and believe you should be please email logistics. Send in your pre-reg if you have not done so yet. If you do not, you will not have an up-to-date character card to use or no character card for the game day, which means you may not get to PC.
Re: Pre-reg for September 18, 2011 Game Day - Winds of Chang

UPDATED 9/13/2011

Registration for the event closes tomorrow.

You need to take care of last minute updates and issues by Thursday 9/15/2011, before midnight. If you don't you will not have an up to date character card. You will either have to use an old one or NPC.

I will be out of town this weekend, so I will not be able to handle last minute issues before the game day on Sunday.