Pre-Reg for Shadows of Tynera Game Day, 02/11/12


Pre-reg is now CLOSED!!

This is for the Alliance Oregon February 11, 2012 Gameday, Shadows of Tynera, at Scouters Mountain, in Happy Valley, OR.

Please be aware that if you do not Pre-reg you will need to bring a copy of your character card with you from a previous event to use. If you do not, you may not get to PC the game day.

And a friendly reminder that you will not be able to spend build at the game day.

Please fill out our pre-reg form here.

(If you have questions on how to Pre-Reg, please check out this post.)

If you have any BP expenditures please try to take care of them before you pre-reg, that way your requests and pre-regs will not get over looked. Thanks!

Pre-reg will close on Friday, February 3, at 11:59 PM.

Gameday Fees
  • PC: $20.00 at the door, $15.00 if you pre-reg.
  • Advance page: $15.00 at the door, $10.00 if you pre-rg.
  • Page: $10.00 at the door, $5.00 if you pre-reg.
  • NPC: Free.

Pre-reg's received as of 02/07/2012:
Brian J - Ashok
Bill B - Black
Bryan G - Peter
Ron L - Alcandar
Jeremy H - Vavarick
Doug C - Jack
Dash C - Jack Jr
Corbin C - Burrberry
Carmen - Roan
Matt O - Iftikhaar
Jimmy H - Virid
Tony C - Tode
Shannon C - Brennan
Scott K - Mixer

Late Pre-reg's as of 02/07/2012
Shane R - Rain
Chelsea E - Swift
Gabriel D - Darien
Paul G - Wicked
Kara G - Spook

NPCs as of 02/07/2012:
Sean G - NPC
Chris W - NPC (new)
Gavin V - NPC
Amy M - NPC
Rachel M - NPC
Michael J - NPC
Cymryc - NPC

Character Transfers received as of 02/04/2012:
Brian J - Ashok
Ron L - Alcandar
Bryan G - Peter

If you feel you should be on this list and are not, please email logistics and let us know. Thanks!

Pre-reg for the gameday next weekend, Saturday 02/11/2012, Closes tomorrow, Friday 02/03, at 11:59 pm.

Save your self $5.00 and guarantee that you will have an updated and printed card for you to use.

If you know someone that is not on the pre-reg list remind or let them know that they need to bring an old character card with them to the game day to PC.
Is there a "pay no play" paypal option available?

You may pay-no-play by using PayPal and sending $15.00 to cymryc (@) comcast (dot) net. Please include your real name, the character you want the XP to go toward, and the gameday's name/date in your note when you send the money.
Pre-reg for the Gameday is now CLOSED.

Put still please use the pre-reg form or email logistics if you are planning to go to the Gameday even if you missed the cut-off time for pre-reg'ing. We will at the very least have a character card printed for you but no guarantees as to getting any sort of buybacks or build expenditures done in time.

For those who have not seen the Facebook event page for the game day, we will be starting at 10am, at Scouters Mountain.