Pre-Reg is Open for Machination our 2nd Game of 2023


Virginia Staff
"Machination" is our 2nd Game of 2023! May 19th-21st is fast approaching (3 weeks!), Pre-Registration is OPEN!

Event fee: $90 /Pre-Reg and Pre-Pay discounted price $80 /New player discounted price $20 (if it's your first ever Alliance Larp attended game)

All meals are included

All players (Staff,PC's,and NPC's) must pay the once a year $20 membership fee every year to play. It lasts from January 1st to December 31st (1 Full year)

Payments can be sent to:
Please make payments as friends and family.

May Event is a 2.1 ruleset event so there are a few extra steps for pre-registration that are important to follow

1. Register as usual with magic items for the event in the official CMA (
2. Build a new version of your PC character within the 2.1 Beta CMA: Since this event will be a 2.1 event, Everyone is allowed to re-spend their character's EXACT XP by building a new version of their PC character within the 2.1 beta CMA ( To do this, follow these steps:

1. Look up your character's race and EXACT XP total within the regular CMA (
2. In the 2.1 beta CMA, create a new character (quick) with your characters same name (adding the word "Test" to the end of your characters name) race, and Exact same XP as in the CMA.
3. If appropriate, select primary school of magic with the set school link.
4. Spend that XP on the skills you would like to try/test out for this event
5. Also dont forget to Register for the May Virginia event in both the beta CMA and regular CMA (