Purify potions


So um, I think I'll be able to make some purify potions, but only a small number, I was wondering because some people where saying 'Jehyu Cost be darned, you make a thousand purifies a day' and some people was saying 'Jehyu, you charge to much for things already and the fur on your ears is flat!' So anyway, I was gonna work really hard to learn how to maybe make purifies, but I'd like to know what people want/think is an okay amount to pay, cause the more I make the more it's gonna cost to make so many at once.

When me make them before last market day, me sell Purifies for 2 Gold each, and always me sold out. If need help... enforce... price, you have friend in me, Jehyu. For new adventurers who no meet me yet, me was Master of Potions, but now me Master of Weapons.

-Cho Ko Nu
I...I don't wanna enforce nothing, I was just thinking that the more people wanted ta pay the more I could make. Like to start I could make 2 if the price was about a gold each, but if it was 2 gold each I could probably make like 6 or so...I just don't know how many ta make, cause when I made some antidotes when that squire guy asked me they were a lot less wanted than my usual cure light elixirs.

I'm afraid I had a bit of a bad experience with a gas globe thrown by a goblin, I ended up vomitting till I passed out from it, after calling for an antidote several times. If you make them again and cant find a buyer, I would be willing to pay a fair price for a few of them, if no one else will.

Deoman the Runner.
Gorka pay 2 to 3 gold for purify.

- Gorka
Shadow's Light
I would like to buy some purify potions. I was unable to help anyone suffering from the alchemy being thrown this past market day. Whatever you'd like to charge, Jehyu, I'll pay for a couple purify potions.

Keallit said:
I would like to buy some purify potions. I was unable to help anyone suffering from the alchemy being thrown this past market day. Whatever you'd like to charge, Jehyu, I'll pay for a couple purify potions.


Alchemy is, if possible, better healed through the use of an antidote. Purify's are great cause they cure everything basically, but they are expensive.

-Thorador Boulderfist
Hi Guys, I know it's been a long time since I've been around and I haven't met some of you. But to speak to what Squire (congrats) Thorador said, Purify's are great because they heal everything. But the cost of making a purify is about TWICE that of the cost of making an Antidote which heals most of the nasty alchemical affects other than Sleep. And Sleep can be 'fixed' with an Awaken which costs the same as an Antidote. You can have an Awaken AND a Antidote in your pocket for the same cost as a Purify and then fix 2 things instead of 'anything' once.

Basically if you can be organized and have Release potions for binding, Awaken potions for commands, and Antidotes for alchemical affects Purify should be saved for the truly needful things like Drain and Paralysis and otherwise only used as a last resort.

I can also be nice to have Remove Weakness and Remove Silence potions for those affects (both FAR cheaper than Purify) as well, but the 3 I mentioned above are the truly 'needful' affect 'fixers' that cost about half as much as a purify

- Taloc
Treasurer of Forest Edge
Thank you Taloc, Gorka was trying to think how to put it so eliquently. Taloc know what he talk about. Killit, listen to the Mystic Wood Elf, get orginized and save your money, you want to buy scrolls and wands too don't you?

Shadow's Light
Healer in Gaden Earth Guild

I have heard the name. I look forward to meeting you in person, perhaps we could share a drink sometime and discuss finer arts of alchemy/potions and tactical use.

So....don't make purify potions but a bunch of little ones then?


I will be looking to replace the purify potion that I gave to the Lady. I always like to have one on hand.

<seems confused> okay I'm getting kinda turned around with all the cross chatter, do people want me to make lotsa purifies, and if so how much should I sell them for? The more you wanna pay the more I can make. Or do people want me ta make a whole buncha little things like that Taloc guy said?

...this was easier when I was just making a buncha basic cures....

Gorka would like it if you made Purify potions and sold them for 3 gold. And with your alchemy you made Antidotes or Cure Lights.

You do not Need to do what Gorka says, you make choice yourself.

Okay Gorka I'll give that a go, at 3 golds each, I can make um, 10 or so, cause I'd lose a bit on the last couple but that would be balanced from the first sales, think I can sell that many? Three gold is kinda a lot, that's 600 arrows! Otherwise if I charged 2.2 gold per I could make 6 or so. If people really want them that much I can focus on learning more potions faster to get the cost down later on maybe....

Thank you Jeyhu. Purifies and antidotes would be ideal. I apologize for not having the money to purchase from you last market day. I'll make sure to be more aware of where my earnings from town loot are stored so I may purchase from you...with coin.