Question for blacksmiths

Who is going to the August event and would be able to craft armor?
I am looking to get a lot made so, let me know if you have the crafting available.

That's a bit much for me, I'll bet Tazoulti could handle it, or Thorador maybe...

I won't be able to make the next gather as I'm busy working alongside Igneous surveying a potential claim site that looks very promising. Thus far, it's been very hard, tedious & dangerous work. So I'm not sure yet if I'll be able to get back to my workshop to work on any projects for the next fortnight.

May your weapons strike true,
- Tazoulti Strongbeard
Dwarven Master Blacksmith

I am no blacksmith but I have extra armor laying around that I vould be more zhan happy to sell.

Regan Vrabie Maska
Hello Regan,
I will look for you at the Tea Tent the first evening for the equipment swap meet and sales.
I am interested in any armor pieces your may have.

I generally prefer to keep my teachings to just Earth Knowledge, but in the unlikely event of you not being able to find a teacher in blacksmithing, I can teach you just the basics to get you started.
unfortunely i won't be able to make the next market day as i'm checking on a interesting claim site with tazoulti that is quite promising,hopefully the next market day that i can attend i will have more information.

Well met, fellow Dreamrealmers!
I plan on being around for the next monthly gathering making my usual amount of trouble, partaking of fine food, drink and other assorted Dwarven ways of passing the time. I thought perhaps I should inform my fellow adventurers (& other gentlepersons) that I am also available for their Blacksmithing needs. Simply let me know of your specific needs via the dream realms, or via private messenger if you so desire, and I will see what I can do for you to make those needs be met.

May your weapons always strike true,
- Tazoulti Strongbeard
Wanderer, Dwarven Master Blacksmith, Initiate Broker & self admitted troublemaker (amongst a few other things some individuals seem to call me) :D