Race change question


Do you change your personal outlook if you are race changed? For example, do you immediately develop a strong hatred for Orcs and Trolls if you are race changed into a Dwarf?
markusdark said:
Do you change your personal outlook if you are race changed? For example, do you immediately develop a strong hatred for Orcs and Trolls if you are race changed into a Dwarf?
If it is a roleplay requirement for being that race, yes.
Yep.That was one of the interesting things in going from Sarr to Scavenger as Shin. His outlook shifted a bit, but is still recognizable. It takes a bit of rationalizing to mesh the two sometimes, but it is fun.
Ok, so if I were to race change my celestial scholar elf to a biata, how would that work out? would i just automatically get switched to earth magic? or would i still have the celestial magic just unable to use it? (not going to do this, but just a question)
you cannot use the Racial Transformation to change any character with the skill Read Magic into a Biata. it is just not how the literature on the scroll suggests it should work. basically if you certain skills you can never race change into certain races (examples: Fighters cannot be Hoblings, Waylayers cannot be Sarr, One Handed Edged-users cannot be Dryads, etc, etc).

ok, cause that was something me and a few people were talking about OOG at an event recently. Because someone was talking about race changing and that popped into my brain. Thanks!