Notes taken during a meeting with Avatar Brother Mountain after his memory was fully restored and during a séance with Elder Sky led by Ondér Astraea
Note: these are my interpretations of the subjective experience of Elder Sky and the rambling, short discourse of Avatar Brother Mountain
1. In the beginning was the perfect White Sphere, Evana (also Avana, Avona). The sphere was a featureless, spiritless, unchanging being of White Light. Evana was neither conscious nor spirited. Evana was referenced as "she" by both Elder Sky and Brother Mountain.
2. Evana was visited by a being from beyond the stars. This being is often represented as a Green Dragon. The green dragon infected or touched or otherwise changed Evana's essence by introducing a change. I believe this otherworldy injection was Blight.
3. The Blight spread across Evana sundering the White Light and separating it into land and sea, day and night, the original essence of the Grimere Expanse. The World as we know it. The Expanse was relatively stable between Evana's White Light and the Blight.
4. Three other beings called The Elders, represented as Black, Red, Gold came to the Expanse. These beings were inimical to the Expanse, though it is unclear whether they were conquerors or merely alien. The Three Elders have three Agents of the Elders who act on their behalf as the Elders themselves are either elsewhere (outside the Plane) or unable to affect the Expanse directly.
5. A Great battle was enjoined between the Expanse and the Elders.
6. "Five new colours appeared in the battle" - Blue, Red, Gold, White and Black. This is a direct reference to Elder Sky's séance - the context was confusing and it is unclear what these five colours represent or if they were in addition to the three Elder's colours. All of Elder Sky's communication is purely visual lacking context and sometimes even continuity. However, colours often represent separate individuals.
7. Near the end of the Battle between the Expanse and the Elders, "Nine Colours appeared" (as per Elder Sky). The Nine colours represent the Nine Avatars*: Elder Sky, Moon Father, Mother of Tides, Brother Mountain, Sister of the Fallen Leaves, Matriarch of Storm, Foresight, Regret, Bastard Blight. *There is some question of whether Elder Sky is, in actuality, an Avatar or if he is something that created or predates the Avatars. If Regret and Foresight are two distinct Avatars, Elder Sky may be one of the Elder Beings which arrived after Evana was changed by Blight.
8. The battle ended with a presumptive victory for the Avatars as the Expanse became settled and quiet. It is possible the Avatars fought off the Elders entirely or merely arrived at a detenté. Regardless, Brother Mountain emphasized that all save Elder Sky died in this battle (presumably to be reborn later) leaving Elder Sky as the only being extant since near the creation of the Expanse.
9. After the battle ceased, the Expanse existed as it had in the beginning: a shifting matrix of White and Purple energy which cannot fully integrate or separate save through outside influence.
10. Elder Sky expressed anxiety and discomfort with the current state of the Expanse. Though unspecific, he inferred the growth of power by White Light would lead toward another great battle for the Expanse, albeit one which would return the world to its primordial state of pure being: Evana. When during this existence Evana gained self-awareness was not explained, but Evana is focused on returning to her previous state of "perfection."
Respectfully submitted
Dramthin Hartsboon
Weaver to Whitehaven; Whip to Pauper's Launch
Keeper of the Tainted Grove
Note: these are my interpretations of the subjective experience of Elder Sky and the rambling, short discourse of Avatar Brother Mountain
1. In the beginning was the perfect White Sphere, Evana (also Avana, Avona). The sphere was a featureless, spiritless, unchanging being of White Light. Evana was neither conscious nor spirited. Evana was referenced as "she" by both Elder Sky and Brother Mountain.
2. Evana was visited by a being from beyond the stars. This being is often represented as a Green Dragon. The green dragon infected or touched or otherwise changed Evana's essence by introducing a change. I believe this otherworldy injection was Blight.
3. The Blight spread across Evana sundering the White Light and separating it into land and sea, day and night, the original essence of the Grimere Expanse. The World as we know it. The Expanse was relatively stable between Evana's White Light and the Blight.
4. Three other beings called The Elders, represented as Black, Red, Gold came to the Expanse. These beings were inimical to the Expanse, though it is unclear whether they were conquerors or merely alien. The Three Elders have three Agents of the Elders who act on their behalf as the Elders themselves are either elsewhere (outside the Plane) or unable to affect the Expanse directly.
5. A Great battle was enjoined between the Expanse and the Elders.
6. "Five new colours appeared in the battle" - Blue, Red, Gold, White and Black. This is a direct reference to Elder Sky's séance - the context was confusing and it is unclear what these five colours represent or if they were in addition to the three Elder's colours. All of Elder Sky's communication is purely visual lacking context and sometimes even continuity. However, colours often represent separate individuals.
7. Near the end of the Battle between the Expanse and the Elders, "Nine Colours appeared" (as per Elder Sky). The Nine colours represent the Nine Avatars*: Elder Sky, Moon Father, Mother of Tides, Brother Mountain, Sister of the Fallen Leaves, Matriarch of Storm, Foresight, Regret, Bastard Blight. *There is some question of whether Elder Sky is, in actuality, an Avatar or if he is something that created or predates the Avatars. If Regret and Foresight are two distinct Avatars, Elder Sky may be one of the Elder Beings which arrived after Evana was changed by Blight.
8. The battle ended with a presumptive victory for the Avatars as the Expanse became settled and quiet. It is possible the Avatars fought off the Elders entirely or merely arrived at a detenté. Regardless, Brother Mountain emphasized that all save Elder Sky died in this battle (presumably to be reborn later) leaving Elder Sky as the only being extant since near the creation of the Expanse.
9. After the battle ceased, the Expanse existed as it had in the beginning: a shifting matrix of White and Purple energy which cannot fully integrate or separate save through outside influence.
10. Elder Sky expressed anxiety and discomfort with the current state of the Expanse. Though unspecific, he inferred the growth of power by White Light would lead toward another great battle for the Expanse, albeit one which would return the world to its primordial state of pure being: Evana. When during this existence Evana gained self-awareness was not explained, but Evana is focused on returning to her previous state of "perfection."
Respectfully submitted
Dramthin Hartsboon
Weaver to Whitehaven; Whip to Pauper's Launch
Keeper of the Tainted Grove
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