Reading the Rolls (Royal Celestial Guild)


Let it be known that on this day the Royal Celestial Guild of Gaiden does call its membership forth. Speak Below and answer the call of the guild and be recorded. We thank you for your continued membership and assistance with Guild matters.

Gronk the High Ogre - You are asked to stand as a Guildsman and as the Warden of the newly erected East Haven guild house, Water’s Edge Research Station.

Aldorian Quicksilver – You are asked to stand as an Apprentice of the guild.

Aurious the Human – You are asked to stand as an Apprentice of the guild.

Vermouth the Wlyderkin – You are asked to stand as an Apprentice of the guild.

Asura Akuma – You are asked to stand as a Warlock of the guild.

Gandian Ravenscroft – You are asked to stand as a Warlock of the guild.

Beryl R.T. - You are asked to stand as a Guildsman.

Aurious Alaraster - You are asked to stand as an Apprentice of the guild.

Tisk Majere - You are asked to stand as an Initiate of the guild.

Nikolai Rudari - You are asked to stand as Initiate and Overseer of the Water's Edge Research Station.

Errick Twoseeker - You are asked to stand as a Guildsman.

If you name has not been included in the roll above please message me so that I may have your name and rank added to the roll.

Below please find codified the official guild ranks and duties.

Number One



Warden - Caretaker/ Master of a guild house
Keeper of Tranquility - Caretaker/ Master of a guildhall
Overseer - Oversight of a particular circle owned by the guild (limited or greater)
Quartermaster - Responsible for supplies and logistics of the guild, moving things and people

Again, Thank you all. I look forward to hearing from you.

Ascendant Robert Iron Beard
Supreme Quartermaster, Head of Disjunctive Research
Ascendant of applied magical transportation division
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Nice to meet you, I forgot I was a member as it felt like ages ago! I'll probably be around, eventually!

I vould speak my name so zhat I vould not be forgotten as a member of zhe guild. I am apprenticed to either Roy or Ilana depending on who is around. I vill return eventually, though likely no soon.

-Beryl R.T.
QUESTION Mr. Ascendant Iron Beard

What do you the below ranks means, and what are the responsibilities? How does one go to Warlock, and how does one climb to Mage? Oooh, and how does a mage go to Sorcerer like Yannith...wait, Sorecerer isn't Yanniths first name? Strange! Does that mean Arcanist Dure'hdel was like, the 2nd in command? Does that mean since I was his personal and favorite apprentice that I'm top Apprentice? If so, please tell GRONK so it's official. Oh right, my original question! ....I forgot....


Apprentice in the Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden
Are you aware of any official rank that you hold within the guild or are you simply an initiate?

The responsibilities of our members increase as they gain rank. These obligations are indeed many and varied.

As you are probably already familiar the ranks are achieved as follows.
Initiate – Ability to read magic/ cast up to 4th level scrolls
Apprentice – Ability to cast up to 8th level scrolls
Guildsman/ woman – Ability to read formal magic scrolls
Other ranks are rewarded for achievements and personal merit. The most common advancement being to Warlock. Usually for successfully casting a ritual.

You are most astute to notice that we have added a rank to the guild system. The Arcanist rank is indeed a tribute to Dure’hdel and while he did not achieve the rank in life it is his namesake.

As for being top apprentice… Well I would like to think that there would be some stiff competition for such an enviable title. *wink*

As for being “second” in command that position belongs to either; Number One or the Magus… probably depending on the phase of the moon, or the tide or some such. Quite honestly it can be confusing.

Ascendant Robert Iron Beard
Supreme Quartermaster, Head of Disjunctive Research
Ascendant of applied magical transportation division
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Vould it not be simpler to start zhat an initiate be skilled in reading magic and that an apprentice be able to cast 4th circle spells? Zhat aside I am indeed an apprentice by both these rules and zhe rules of the guild before and I am very nearly a full guildsman.

-Beryl R.T.

The rules did not change only the ranks were restructured slightly. they tell me that it's to improve efficiency but I half think that it's only because people need some more layers between them and those lower than them. Never seen the logic to that myself. Best to get down with those that are doing the thing done I say.

It would be logical that you are a Guildsman as you are the apprentice to Warlock Ilana. I will record you as such and when you are next present at a market you may read a scroll of formal magic to make it official.

Ascendant Robert Iron Beard
Supreme Quartermaster, Head of Disjunctive Research
Ascendant of applied magical transportation division
To clarify, I am not currently able to read formal scrolls at this time but I may be able to when I attend my next market but I may not attend a market in some time.

-Beryl R.T
I guess I could be a warlock. I don't really remember. Though my name is Rudari-Targosian-Gallentine now.

- Roy
Yeah, GRONK'll take over da Guildhouse. I kinda split my time wit Gaden and Wayside but I'll do my best ta keep tings runnin' dere. Tanks fer trustin' me wit it.

Rudari-Targosian-Gallentine – You are asked to stand as a Warlock of the guild.

I mean, I guess I wasn't super specific. I got married and that's my last name now.

- Roy Rudari-Targosian-Gallentine
Yeah, GRONK'll take over da Guildhouse. I kinda split my time wit Gaden and Wayside but I'll do my best ta keep tings runnin' dere. Tanks fer trustin' me wit it.


Perhaps it is time for you to take on an apprentice Gronk? Someone to help you around the research station and help keep an eye on it.

Nikolai comes to mind. He was recently inducted as an Initiate and is the Overseer of the Water's Edge Research Station's circle.
Ascendant Robert Iron Beard
Supreme Quartermaster, Head of Disjunctive Research
Ascendant of applied magical transportation division
Hey yeah, I forgot Nikolai got invested when da circle was cast. Nikolai, if you wanna be my apprentice and help tend da guildhouse, I can teach you whatcha need ta know fer magic.

I'd appreciate the opportunity. Ascendant Iron Beard was able to provide me some instruction last market day, for which I am grateful, but I have much to learn.

I have not had much dealings with the Guild as I am just a lowly apprentice to my Master Asura but its a pleasure to meet ya Ascendant Robert Iron Beard.

-Errick, Wizard of Scrolls "Flower Boy" and member of the Gryphon Guard
I take great pride being a apprentice in the Guild.
I apologize that i have not been around i have been helping my family the last year.
I should be back when the snow melts.
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Hi! I haven't actually spent much time in Gaden but I'm planning to join the adventurers at market days this year. I'm a Celestialist! How would I go about joining your Guild?

Hello Crescent,

I'll drop by the next market and we can discuss you joining our little organization. We are always happy to have more members.

Ascendant Robert Iron Beard
Supreme Quartermaster, Head of Disjunctive Research
Ascendant of applied magical transportation division