Regret's Poetry - Page 6


A crumpled, blood-stained piece of paper is left stuffed in the letterbox of The Dawning Rose in the Golden Meadow district of Whitehaven.

An Attempt at Therapy (3).png
Master Sable,

Though the ways of Avatars are beyond my years, this poem bears at least a passing familiarity with the recent life events of a Mistweaver Lost One who was kidnapped and abused at the hands of former Weaver Jett. She was magically coerced to commit acts of horror and violence, those presented in this page among them, and carries immense guilt regarding the situation. She is currently standing trial for her part in these murders under Mistweaver and Rathfall law; though I hope the mitigating circumstances of her situation exonerate the majority of her culpability.

Why the Avatar is choosing this moment to present the poem is unknown to me.

Dramthin Hartsboon
Weaver of Whitehaven
Tomebearer, Vicomte Rosen
Keeper of the Tainted Grove
Could we seek this avatar out and bring the two together to see happens?
I do not wish to prolong my colleague's torment and would not subject her to Unbounded intrusion. She already contends with too many violent and torturous memories, I would not force her to confront them and an Avatar until she is ready and willing to do so. If she seeks out my or Regret's assistance, I will support that choice, but I will not make it for her.

I have little discourse with Avatars, Regret or otherwise, and know little of their ways or purpose. I personally find it abhorrent that Regret is parading these personal intimacies about Rathfall as some farcical puppetshow; however, I understand Avatars work in mysterious ways and perhaps their motivation is not to be known by the likes of me.

Dramthin Hartsboon
Weaver of Whitehaven
Tomebearer, Vicomte Rosen
Keeper of the Tainted Grove
I think we should try to get more information from the avatar to help your friend
I am not thinking that Regret is in any position to be helping others, as he is seeming as much a victim of his power as those he writes of. This is something I am aiming to remedy