Relieve me of these blasted things.


I have somehow come to possess two rather well-made suits of armor and cannot for the life of me conceive of any ways in which they will benefit me. They are heavy, loud, and consume far too much space and I would be grateful to part with them. One can withstand 25 dagger blows before requiring maintenance, the other 30.

For the love of the Anan'ta, someone contact me before I make uncomfortable furniture of the damn things.

Oi, if anyone breaks my set I'll need another set! I'm sure somebody will try sometime soon.

((Blithe laughter.))

My friend, I will break it FOR you if you would ensure I never have to kick an errant pauldron out of the way upon my return from the tavern. Take them. They are yours.

I'll buy them off you to add to my box, I do a lot of traveling and it never hurts to have some spares just in case someone sets off an explosive trap or something.
