

There were 32 adventures in attenence.

There were 2 rezerections of Tazoulti and Thorgrim.

We encountered from another pane, a greenish-blue reptilian humanoid with facial tentacles, a empire Guard, phase pairs, something yello I didn't get the name of, and Adrian, the Sage of Temporal Terroir who was a formar class mate of Jason Runeforge who a group helped him strike a blow agenst.

From this plane I encountered, bandits, theaves, Blade eaters of various kinds, and a Quickling.

Items of intrest were; one extend battle magic scroll, a 3 times ever lightling blast and 3 times ever lightning storm, a pretty ring, an unidentified scroll, and that cristal tree I didn't not get any information on.

Some things to look out for are: buildings with caged creatures, gold blocks with strange runes on them (I have a recorded drawing of them) and Why Blade eaters were in River's Fall.

This is my recordings of this past market gather.

-Lillith C. W.
Why are you reporting this to everyone in the Sheltered Lands?

Because patterns are easier to find when concepts are widely known. And you may have noticed that on average this part of the dreaming has mostly Dreamers that are Adventures in the Sheltered Lands or people trying to comunicate with Adventures.

I must apologize I was remiss in congratulating Tazoulti on his new position of stature. May you find both power and wisdom in it.

-Lillith C. W.
Lilly, we often do not broadcast these things because they will become known to not only our allies, but also our enemies, we try to prevent the corrupt and our other enemies from gaining any knowledge they can.

-Thorgrim Stoneaxe, of the Runebinder Clan
yes you may, But I don't believe I have mentioned anything that our enemies could not have deduced or learned by some light recessions. And the benefit of people being aware of issues feels a worthy trade.

Has anyone seen a gold colored half hexagonal brick with markings on it?

Or seen any structures with runes and powerful creatures trapped inside?

Or have any idea where these Blade eaters come from?

-Lillith C. W.
Does anyone remember any skills or abilities that yellow thing had, or that blue green scaly human from the Empire plane?

The blue scaly creature, or Angisu as I believe they are called, threw around a strange kind of magic unknown to me. He also had the ability to directly harm anybody regardless of armor. I don't remember the yellow creatures having any special abilities.
Zhe Angisu vas using entropy magics. I'm no expert on it, but it seemed to encompass a host a of debilitating effects. I, myself, have channeled zhis particular type of magic occasionally zhrough an item.

I must agree vith zhe ozhers on zhis matter zhough. Knowledge is a veapon. Names, numbers, events; all of zhese are forms of knowledge zhat can be used against anyvone for any reason. Treat it vith respect or it vill destroy you.

Roy Gallentine
from what i've been hearing, i missed quite a bit this past market day, i was preoccupied fixing the possible mine myself and Tazoulti came accross, hopefully i'll be able to make it to the next market day and catch up with everyone.
