Reporting to the Archmage

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Illandra slowly walks into the room, still slightly aching from the festivals activities. Looking around she finds the front desk. Slowly approaching, she makes sure she has the journal Mobeus had lent her.

"Is this a good time to try to see the Archmage, or should I ask for an appointment?"
The Attendant look up from her work. "And you are?" she awaits a response.
"Oh! I'm sorry, please forgive my rudeness. My name is Illandra Remmington. I wish to speak to the Lord Archmage about some new findings from a mission he had sent some of the members of the Sanctum in Parsons Breach and I on last well as some information about the Magistrate Mobeus. That is, unless he already knows."
"Ah." the assistant states with some clarity. "The ArchMage has been expecting you. Please go up the stairs to his personal quarters." she motions towards the spiral staircase that ascends into the darkness.
Illandra smiles and makes a slight bow before moving to, then up the staircase.
Illandra having finally made it to the top of the staircase, smooths out her hair and and wrinkles in her top. She hesitantly raises her hand to knock. It sits in mid-air for a moment as she takes a calming breath -- the Archmage was definitely intimidating - before knocking thrice upon the door.
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Hearing a response from the Archmage, she opens the door, walks through and closes the door behind her.

(Taken to IBGA)
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