Request for assistance

Greetings all,

Who among us might I approach if I would like to have my bow or other weapons enchanted? I know of a few, but I would wager there are more...
Say for example, an element type, or perhaps a couple times a day spell-like striking ability?

Squire Victor von Gryphon
Squire Victor,

My companion Dure'dhel and myself are both Formalists in the Celestial arts, and would be glad to cast any rituals for you that you come across.

May the Light guide you, and the Shadow guard your path,
~ Gandian Ravenscroft
Good Squire,

should you need an Earth Formalist for a Ritual you can always seek me out. However, for what you're looking for specifically, Gandian and Dure'dhel are more than capable.

Thank you friends, I look forward to having the opportunity once the scroll(s) and components are collected.

Squire Victor