Rescue mission


Chicago Staff
let it be known zhat Boemae has 3 of my kin still captive from the war and I plan to free them by any means; if it is peaceful, the better.

I velcome any who wish to join; but I ask with respect, to not stand against this action.

Othervise ve will have quite a trip in the coming weeks! Woo!

A simple gentlemen,
"Captain" Gregory Renaldo Binks III

P.s. Sorry York, I bought a second ship and working on a third....
Commodore Binks,

I congratulate you on your acquisition. I hope that someday I will have the opportunity to sail with you. If ever I were to have the Winters Gale under my command again it would rival an armada in it's own right. But alas as with all things in my life that too has been lost to me.

I'm afraid that I will not be able to join you in Bomae, though I wish I could visit them as they once visited us. If there is anything you need to aid in the return of your kin let me know and I will see what I can do.

Me will be there to aid the family. I killed Strava for his necromancy and attempt at harming the family. I am not Rai but me consider myself friend of the family. Me will help.

Ah ha, it just so happins zat negotiations for za release of captives is my specialty! I will be a happy to help ... what could possibly go wrong?

Jasper The Fabulous
I vill need other Selunari to come with me...

.......and you'll have to wear my hat to find them. "His" terms, not mine. You will literally be taking a burden upon yourself which will weaken your vitality. For ve travel north, through the mountains!

- Binks
It depends, will ze hat compliment my outrageously gorgeous hair?

Jasper the Fabulous
It has to be another Selunari...fortunately.

Thank you to zhose that helped saves Krios; while unfortunate zhat The other two vere killed prior we did at leadt find out about zhem.
