Reward: 3 gold for large brown leather/moleskin Notebook.


Colorado Staff
Lost Item:

Large Brown Leather/Moleskin Notebook (OOG, it is larger than a piece of notebook paper and about 1/2" thick)
Inside are contents about corrupt, smithing, and other Misc. notes in the handwriting of Squire Thorador Boulderfist.
If found, please return to Sheriff Asher, he will provide you a 3 gold reward.

(Out of Game: The notes and pages are in game. You can either copy them for your own reference, or tear the pages out and keep them. The Notebook cover itself is NOT in game. Please return the item to a Plot Martial (Brent W, David T, Sarah S) if you have "stolen" the notebook. Plot will keep your theft secret in and out of game, but will be able to return the notebook.)

Thank you,
Hunter Davion
Re: Reward: 3 gold for large brown leather/moleskin Notebook

Thank you guys,
Hunter Davion