Rising of The Dawn


The Order of The Dawn are seeking new and experienced adventurers of Valdanis and the surrounding lands. We are looking for those that would bring profit, talents, and brotherhood to our Order. Our Order will do all it can to protect you, your guilds, and your family's from any force too the brink of death. We look out for our own and as such you would become family, a welcomed, and prized individual. You will have access too labs, smithies, libraries, and any other tool belonging too the Order.
If you are a Guild Master and wish to join your guild with our Order. The Dawn will not consume, nor control any aspect of it beyond requesting the up most respect of others within the Order.
Any village of any race may request to join us, even if your people have been rejected in the past. If needed your identification will be hidden and your presence unknown.

There is a rising of a new Dawn, an Order that would seek to understand, tolerate, and defend. Meditate your decision, and send me a private pigeon.

I will not be looking back after this dream, all words spoken here afterward will fall on deff ears.

Grand Master of Necromantic Lore
Arkade Prince