Ritual manipulation: choose flaw, part C

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As follow-up to this thread, what conditions must be met for an item to lose a flaw?

Let's say Bob has a Damage Aura (C) sword with a one-shot Dodge (E) on it, and the flaw "Only usable by elves". Per the RAW, the item is flawed, not any specific ritual. That said, the flaw was applied when the Dodge was placed on the item.

Does the flaw go away:
1 - If the sword is subjected to a Destroy Earth Magic?
2 - If the Dodge is expended?
3 - If no rituals remain on the sword (i.e. after both the Dodge has been expended AND the DA expires)?
4 - Never (rendering it a normal sword that may only be used by elves)?*
5 - if the sword is subjected to a Destroy Magic of either school

*If the intent of "item is only usable by <blah>" is actually "rituals on this item are only usable by <blah>", feel free to replace that flaw with one of the other less ambiguous ones, like 1/2 damage.
This post is to inform you that your question is currently being discussed by the ARC and once some clarification has been made will be posted here. Depending on the level of clarification and discussion (and potential involvement of the Owners or other national staff, if needed) this may take time.
Flaws are applied to an item, not to specific rituals. Thus, so long as an item retains any rituals (and thus a Magic Item tag), all flaws on that item remain.

-Bryan Gregory
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