Ritual of Remembrance


Gorka wondering if anyone in the valley will be running the Ritual of remembrance this year?

People who don't know durring the Respit the ritual of remembrance is held to remember those who have permanently have fallen in the past year. I know I have many Gorka wish to remember.

I too would like to remember a few who no longer with us, hopefully we can get this arranged.

Is there anything special we have to do during the ritual of rememberance?

Sit. Watch. Listen. Remember.

If you know someone who has fallen, you can use this time to speak and reflect upon their lives.

It can be anyone, and is not limited by only adventurers. Last year, 2 Kobolds, now my students, came to remember one of their friends that had died...helping us. They remembered not only him, but many other Kobolds as well. It's a time to come together.

So, um, what's the rules on who you can remember, just people that got kill recently?

To the People of Shademarch Barony,

It is with great honor that I inform you that the Ritual of Remembrance will not be forgotten or overlooked this year. You have all been in a great time of transition, but it is our traditions and steadfast determination that will see us though. The Ritual of Remembrance in not simply an old dusty tradition, or a frilly dalliance. The Ritual of Remembrance is sewn within the very fabric of our great kingdom as a time to honor and remember those who have sacrificed so much for the betterment of the kingdom.

I ask you all to take time out of your busy day settling this reclaimed land and join with your fellow country men and women to honor those who have fallen. This year has been more trying than most in recent memory, and so do not only come to honor those who have fallen, but come to honor those who have given so much in different ways. It is through this kinship that our kingdom is galvanized against the Corruption that presses so heavily at our borders each passing year.

Do not think that this is a time to simply mourn either, for we mourn in our every waking moment. We all know the costs of our kingdoms continued existence. Honor those who have fallen with cries of sadness and jubilation. This year is a year that will be inscribed within the tomes of history for all eternity. For the Crown Prince has returned to us. Our army and our hearths are bolstered by his invigorating presence. So with this I leave you to your day, and your peace. The fires will be high this Ritual of Remembrance, as we remember our greatest strength.

We will always endure and stand against the Corruption that seeks to engulf us.

Honor the people; honor the fallen; honor the Crown.

We are Gaden

Master Scribe of Baroness Shademarch,
Mazwell Santoni

This is a post by the Southern Minnesota Plot Team
If the Ritual is to be held this Market Day, I would like for someone to speak up about Crow. He had died AFTER the last Ritual took place, although it was during the same Market Day, and so people might have forgotten he would not have had his chance to be remembered in the ritual.

He deserves to be remembered.

Icey, I understand your sentiment but I would very much advise you retract your statement about anyone forgetting Crow.

-Sheriff York Winters
I had it worded improperly, I will change it, my apologies...

Our town lost 1/4 of it's healers this year, they will be remembered, and never forgotten.

... Gubba was a healer...


I Vish I could be zere, but I vill not be attending dis year, I know zhat I come every year. I vill be remembering zhem anyway. And remembering vell.

Blind Seer
As I am not attending in person, I encourage all those who will not be attending a ritual of remembrance with the adventurers to share stories here.

I must warn you not to give away too much information as usual. I myself will be attending with the Earth Guild whilst I still recover from being terribly ill.

I would like to remember, of course, Crow. He was a Healer of the Earth Guild, a Brother against Necromancy, and a true friend. A shining example of heroism. He gave his life up for a cause he truly believed in. I regret not getting to know him even better. He usually had an upbeat attitude, and he seemed to be quick to diffuse any tension going on.

I would also like to remember Gubba. Gubba was as well a healer, Gorka's best friend, and a friend to us all. I remember hearing stories from a strange being called Pretend. We sat outside, listening to stories, and remembering all the good times with Gubba. I may not have very many memories of Gubba, but at the very least, Gubba does deserve to be remembered.

One more person. I would like to remember Aine. She was a good friend. She could always have a very different view on things, angles that even I wouldn't have thought of. She had a brilliant mind, and was even a skilled potion maker. We will all miss her dearly.

These are just three of many people however. There are many a number of people whom I didn't name who as well deserve to be remembered. Please take a moment of silence and remember them. They were all good people. They all had futures ahead of them, and many had families to go back to.

Norgra is sad to hear Gorka is no longer with us. Gorka helped Norgra get to know the adventurers. Without Gorka, Norgra wouldn't have met all the great adventurers. Norgra wishes that Norgra was able to have Gorka around longer because Norgra didn't know Gorka when Gorka was locked in the book place. Norgra is glad to have known Gorka as long as Norgra did. Norgra hopes to see Gorka in the mists when Norgra dies as well.