Ritual Scrolls

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Alliance Rules
Gettysburg Staff
In cases where the text on a ritual scroll differs from the current version of the text in the ritual database, what trumps?

My guess, because items that are created before a change to the ritual system change to the current version, would be that the database trumps the scroll.

If that is the case, what steps is the Ritual Marshal required to take if a player is casting a Ritual with an older scroll?

Does the ritual backlash because the scroll is out of date?

Does it succeed but then automatically "update" itself?

Does a new copy of the scroll need to be printed?

If so, is it the responsibility of the player to make sure thye have the most updated scroll?

Is Plot/Rules required to inform the player base anytime a ritual is updated?

I realize this is technically more than one question... but they are all very related.

If its preferred I can certainly pare it down to one and then post 10 more topics with each of the different questions.

That is all.
The most recent verbiage in the database and/or any official addendums should be used. For example, the changes to arcane armor for user ritual levels should be allowed in all chapters, even if cast from a scroll that does not contain that verbiage (and most probably don't right now). Chapters should be updating their individual databases to reflect addendum changes as well, so new scrolls will have the new verbiage.

If the scroll is very out of date with much different verbiage, the chapter staff should probably print out a new scroll for the player, but it's not always possible to be aware of that before casting.

The ritual should not automatically backlash, as scrolls should automatically update IG.

The players and staff should work together to make sure they are using the most updated scroll verbiage. Owners can bring specific issues up to ARC or the owners' board if there are big discrepancies they can't figure out.
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