Rumors Heard around Easthaven


The Corrupt are dead!

There sure have been a lot of undead around here lately.

Did you hear about that giant pumpkin that Bill Engstrom has been growing? They say it’s the size of a hay-cart.

I hear that Victor Von Griffon armed an entire legion to fight against the Corrupt.

I’ve been having some strange dreams as of late. Ya me too.

The Corrupt are dead!

The ground has been shaking lately. I hear that happens when ritual magics are cast.

Did you hear that the High Ogres are moving from the grasslands?

The king Talon is going to claim the Corrupt land for Gaden.

Pratorack is mobilizing a large military force to fight for land and title. I don’t believe it.

The Corrupt are dead!

Pinecrest was wiped out! What happened? The whole town fell into the ground, there is only a hole there now!

You seen that Dwarf from the celestial guild walking around? The other day he came to talk to me. Seems like he just appeared out of nowhere. Strange stuff…

Sky has been awful dark as of late. Ya and there’s been ash falling from the sky too!

The dawn has come!
Bill Engstrom here. There has been some awful sounds around night. I’m worried with darkness of the new moon there is going to be something foul sneaking around causing troubles. Would ya’ll look into it?

Frightfully yours,
Bill Engstrom here. There has been some awful sounds around night. I’m worried with darkness of the new moon there is going to be something foul sneaking around causing troubles. Would ya’ll look into it?

Frightfully yours,

Yes. Yes I would. *(big grin slowly spreads on Zihr's face)*
Zihr isnt full moons not new moons that would be of intrest to you?


Thanks for agreeing to look into it for me. Some of my livestock has been missing for a few days now. I just keep the place shuttered up tight when the sun starts setting.

Ya'll can come see my pumpkin! I tell you it's the size of a haycart these days.

Yes. Yes I would. *(big grin slowly spreads on Zihr's face)*
Zihr, should you want another shield at your side, I would be more than glad to come along. -Elros