Running from myself....

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Stumbling from the trees in the early morning light, Tal steps onto the Kings Highway near one of the many inns on the out skirts of Calemhelm. Feeling exhausted and drained from little sleep as he fled through the night; he smells the food cooking at the nearby inn. Stomach growling, he staggers to the back door of the inn where through fits and starts he succeeds in begging for a plate of scraps and the use of paper, pens and ink for a days labour around the inn. Hours later after working harder than he had in years of arrogance, his thoughts return again to his actions of the previous evening and the months prior.

Having decided finally on his only course of action, Tal sits down at an inn table and begins to write a series of letters. Writing to those he had wronged in his misguided efforts to regain his family holdings, he had lost his personal honor knowing what it will mean but accepts the consequences.

Finishing the final letter, Tal seals them all with wax from the candle on the table and stands up and heads out the door to wait for the next Home Guard road patrol to pass the inn. In his hand are six letters each addressed to individuals he had betrayed:

1st addressed to Arch Mage Az'Caine
2nd for Duchess Victoria
3rd to Commander Dunbow
4th to his lost brother and sister - Isawda and Ithawda
5th for his lost companions Laurent and Tess
and finally one for his long time friend and intimate companion Clover....

Standing in the road he sees the approaching Home Guards and steps into their path, stopping them on their horses. Standing casually on the road, he looks up at the leader of the patrol and says " Sir, I turn myself in for arrest for high treason against the kingdom of Calehelm, I beg only that you allow these letters to reach their owners hands. Now please take me to Az'Caine". Tal stands there calmly waiting for the short future that lay's before him with a sad smile on his lips and tears running down his cheeks as the shocked Home Guard draw weapons and dismount........
"Very well, Militiaman search his persons for anything hiden, I'll hold onto the letters," The Sergeant says taking the letters, he glances at the names on them, "This is quit the list of people" he states.

The Home Guard Militiaman searches Tal, then binds his wrists securely with rope.

"Check with he inn keeper, see if he hasn't caused any trouble or running off owing debit."

"Yes Sergeant," the solider runs into the inn, a few moments later he comes out, "all good Sergent, he worked choirs to pay for food."

"Hmm, very good. Let's get him back then." With that a length of rope is secured to the bound wrists, the militiaman holding into the other end and he Sargent mount up and starts leading Tal away.

Setting a fast pace, Tal is forced to jog to keep up. If he stumbled they would slow long enough for him to regain his footing then speed up again. "I do hope the pace isn't to hard for you, I find traitors are usually pretty good runners."

Approaching the city gates the Sargeant calls for 4 additional guards to surround Tal and escort him through the city. With the horses parting the crowded streets and the armed escort surrounding Tal, there were a few turned heads and onlookers. Entering the prison compound the Sergeant dismounts, "Place him in solitary for now, I'll report and hand these over to the Commander." Pausing to look at Tal, "Knowing the Commander and how he feels about traitors to both the Home Guard and the kingdom, you might wish you'd kept running before this is over. And as for Az'Cain, if rumors are true, he simply killed a person for defying his orders not to heal someone the other night. A friend of your I believe, Fredrick?"

With that Tal is lead through the door into the prison cells and the Sergeant mounts up and heads out of the prison compound heading to the Home Guard Headquarters.
Looking about the small, cold, windowless cell, Tal smiles sadly and says quietly " what a fine and quaint place to stay as I wait to die" he shakes his head slowly annd chuckles as he lowers himself into a corner of the cell. As he sits there looking about his new home he notices the smells and stains of bodily wastes over the entire cell and above them the smells of fear and death eminating from the walls themselves. It takes him but a short while to remember where he had smelled all these odors before; the undead had smelled much like this cell; those he had fought and then later the ones he had made deals with.

Hanging his head in disgrace he begins to gently weep for his stupidity and the lost of all his honor and pride. Nevermore to be known as Biester Tal for that was the name of a Biata with honor; forevermore to be known and reviled as Tal the Traitor, he slowly sinks to the filth covered floor and waits for the death that is coming for him soon.
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