Sandy Lifeline


I spent the past month investigating the World Tree and damages caused to it by Bastion’s departure. Much of the water it needs is tainted and will need extensive purification efforts to cleanse. Rerouting the river back to the tree shouldn’t be too hard of a task.

However, in my exploration, I’ve also felt a sense of life in the desert. A wasteland that seems lifeless may in fact be teeming with life, just buried underground where it cannot be seen by passerby. I wish to look into this further, possibly during the upcoming market if given the chance. There is no telling what is down there and I’d like some support. At the minimum, a cartographer, a smith and if there’s any nasties, a healer.

If anyone else has any knowledge to share, I would appreciate it as my knowledge of Kaida Sanu is still rather limited.

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