Scroll Making


Are there additional perks to having craftsman skills like scroll making above 20 levels?
More production. That is all. Crafting skills are okay... Point for point with the change to high magic I think straight skill serves you better %80 of the time. That being said they can make for good flavor and there is always that %20 that is awesome.

On that note, is there an optimum proportionality to spells to highmagic/formal to production skills in the current metagame for celestial magic?

For healing it seems, that healing spells just aren't in demand in Encampment 42, and Life spells are needed but seldom.
If you don't want to be a high level formalist, enough formal to get a full 300 point burst pool for the +3 to your wands, plus maybe a few more for perks. then all column, production is considered not very worthwhile. Or start working towards Templar. Of course this is all power gaming meta, once you get to like 350 build, do what you want it is pretty hard to not have something effective.
I really want healing spells. Once some of our mediforges revert, they'll be a lot less healing, as well.
Davion said:
I really want healing spells. Once some of our mediforges revert, they'll be a lot less healing, as well.

Be nice to your healers :p, at least Sae Azaka helps refill things
The new Healer's Resolve change is pretty pimp now that it's a pool. Worth checking out once you've got your Rebirth and Magic Purify.