Season Opener! May 27-29 Event Pre-Registration List


Crossroads Staff
The start of our season is happening soon! The time has come to let us know that you are joining us for all of the fun and sadness to be had!

Please remember to get your name on that list by the Monday before the event. After that, door prices apply and you may not have your character information ready to go Friday night. So don't wait, get your info in now!

Also remember to pre-reg if you're NPC'ing! It helps us plan out the events knowing who and how many people we have in our monster camp so we can make the event that much more awesome.

If your name is bold it means we need your cashhhhh.
If your name has a asterisk* after it, it means we have your cashhh, but need you to pre-logist.
If your name is Red you are on the wait list.

You can pre-logist and pay here: Alliance Deadlands Pre-Registration
Go do it! Do it now!

We are keeping our 3:1 PC:NPC ratio for this season's events!
In the event that we are short on NPCs and have to put PCs onto a waitlist, PC's who have not paid will be bumped onto the waitlist. PLEASE make sure to send in your payments and fill out the form so logistics can take care of setting up for the weekend. If there is a section of the form that you aren't sure about, do your best to fill in the appropriate information. Our logistics staff is more than happy to assist you in tweaking things after the fact rather than not getting any information ahead of time.

Thank you!

Any questions? Shoot them my way at and I will help you out!

Pre-Registration List

  1. Dan B
  2. Sean M
  3. Samara M
  4. Evan T
  5. Brian D
  6. Mike G
  7. Akiva B
  8. Gabriel O
  9. Samuel O
  10. Seb S
  11. Will K
  12. Jordan S
  13. Alexander K
  14. Scott B
  1. Deb W*
  2. Stacey B
  3. Meghan K
  4. Kris K
  5. Tyler P*
  6. Emily O*
  7. Dustin S*
  8. Erika N
  9. Seth P
  10. Susie G
  11. Ren W
  12. Nate K
  13. Becky P
  14. Gary M
  15. Jesse H
  16. Ashley T
  17. Molly C
  18. David D
  19. Melissa G
  20. Carly D*
  21. Albert L
  22. Nick W
  23. Jena L
  24. Kelly G
  25. Rachel D
  26. Adam C
  27. Chris W*
  28. JP
  29. Mike L
  30. Emily K
  31. Chris B
  32. Mark S
  33. Eric G
  34. Jonathan R
  35. Josh F
  36. Collin B
  37. Jonathan R
  38. Tyler P
  39. Lauren W
Wait List:

Available Spaces: 3

Updated 05.25.16 by Dan
Last edited by a moderator:
I prelogisted Mike and I almost two months ago when the dates first were available for prelogisting :( I am sending all information again.
Got your new submissions, Jena. The pre-registration form was just set up a few weeks ago, so what you filled out would not have gone through accurately. Thanks for doing them again!
Got it!

The event is this weekend! I'm excited, I hope everyone else is, too! Let's get those registration forms in and I look forward to playing with everyone this weekend!