Seek the Dawn


Five years ago we came home. Our lives were darkened. Our loved ones were dead and dying. Foul vermin crawled across the land and left behind only what they felt was weak and broken. But let this be said of the ex-patriots of Syraandor: we are, if anything, a tenacious people. We reach for what we desire, and when we have our fingers around it, we will never let go.

We collected the pieces. We rebuilt. For five years we fought, tooth and nail, blood and bone, for what was ours. We took weakness and bred strength. Our allies came through the mists to our aid and we bled beside them. We burned away the fear and darkness; we dared to hope where others told us to abandon.

We cried together, died together, watched our brightest lights extinguish. Sir Wynn. Squire Paladar. Marcus of Freeport. Duke Francis Southkin. Ria Taybris Jeyhiel. Princess Anne. Princess Arielle. Our friends and leaders; our pillars of strength. Through their work and sacrifices, our beacon grew brighter. And now my comrades -- my shield-sisters and brothers, my allies in the Deadlands and through the mists -- the time has come. We are on the finite edge, the precipice of darkest night when the dawn seems so far away. We must be the flame that guides the sun up from the east, or there will be no light at all.

On Friday the Eighth at ten and a half bells in the evening, in little more than two weeks time, I invite you to join me one final time on the Hollow Isle at the Vulgar Gargoyle. We will raise our glasses to those we have lost, those we will lose, and the glory of the coming dawn.

And then, my dear friends, we will go to war.

Ria Sevaria of the Deadlands
My fellow Huntress,

You are my Lord's sister, and have become my family as well.

It has been, is, and will be an honor to fight by your side.

To the Coming Dawn. May we fly into it together.

Sky Rider Etton

I am yours to command.

One Shield; Meaningless Without Others,

Riddick Dale
You know I'm gonna be there and I'm gonna join you for that toast but I'll be damned if it's gonna be "for one last time".

So um, not to interrupt or anything, but I really have no idea what all the yelling is about, can someone maybe explain it in words say, an artisan could understand?

or not, either way is okay....

The Deadlands is going into what may be its final war. The war to end all wars, as it were, in November. The result of this battle will decide the future of not just a kingdom or a people, but everything. It could quite literally end every thing and wipe the slate of our world blank.

Many warriors through the mists who know of the Deadlands or have been there have contributed to our cause as we have contributed to theirs. This is a call to arms for the Last Battle of the Deadlands. Even if we win, what remains behind will no longer be that place.

- Ria Sevaria of the Deadlands
I have only known you shortly, but I will help in any way I can. I am still having difficulties with the mists, so I cannot ensure I will be able to aid materially. If it is as you say, and your lands are wiped away. please feel free to seek me out in Barran and I will do my best to accommodate you. Not to be trite, but if you need any medical aid or muscle therapy, let me know and I will aid you, free of charge.

I am sorry I cannot do more.

In service,
Tvard Sendall

I'll gladly raise a toast with you. And I'll save a bottle to toast again, when the fight's over. We'll mourn the dead, celebrate the living, and begin building up what needs it.

These last five years have brought us together as kith and kin, the fights we've won and lost bringing us our individual and collective strength.

That strength will carry us through.

Ria Sevaria,
Five years ago it had not yet entered my mind to take up arms and magic against the forces destroying Laerthan. I did not know the friends and leaders you have lost, nor the battles you have fought. I do not even know how it has been foretold that this coming battle will be the last. But I have watched Laerthan wither and die, and I will join you in the fight for a brighter dawn.
Nerium Hawthorne