Seeking an Earth Formalist


Chicago Staff
Adventurers and travelers of the Sheltered Lands,

I'm seeking someone who will be in these lands in a few days to perform a group of rituals for me. One of these rituals in particular requires an Earth Formalist much greater than I to perform the casting, and at my current level of understanding the ritual arts, I am unable to perform it. I of course will provide coinage, trade or favours to anyone who can assist.

Please reach out to me in private via pigeon to learn of what the rituals are, and what is required; as well as to what you seek as compensation.

Thank you,
Your timing is oddly well placed goodman Asher, as I have recently been informed that I have decided to visit your lands by my bethrothed. In celebration of her surprising willingness to settle for a man as imperfect as myself I would ask only that you allow me to use what high magic I can to substituted my own components for any truesilver or nightshade as we have a pressing need for such things.

We would also be glad to buy any that might travel should you find you have extra resources to spare, or trade for one of our own few remaining components if you would prefer.

Please pidgeon me the specifics privately, as well as if you wish me to expend additional efforts to ensure it's success even further than my skill usually allows, or to twist the magics to add. I am happy to provided such efforts but may request a fee based on the amount of magic that will be needed as it will take from my usual abilities.

-Enan Bluewater