Seeking help with a Brood problem


Hello all,
I am seeking help in dealing with a group of Brood located in Anret. I need a group of about 8-10 and a Dyad or Elf the can tree walk to be part of the group. I will be able to give very detail direction to the location. This task will also help two community one in Anret and one in Wayside. Please seek me out at this coming market.

Also if you have any information in dealing with Brood please let me know as I know that can have some unique abilities and I want to make sure the group has protections for.

Aramis Seablade
Oooo.... make sure you save some of the bile and spit they have! I can make ya some excellent potion vials out of them.

-Benjamin Bookworm
Your request has been noted.
Forgive me but without Silp- do we have a Dryad or elf that has the tree walking ability?

And Aramis I would look to speak to you on this.


Lady IronRose of Storm's Rose
Special Envoy of King Grimlock to Dragonreach
Artifact of the Dragon's Claw
Founder of Forgotten Hope

"My Life For Theirs"
"Defending the Dealings of Time and Space"
If only a Dryad from Gaden vas traveling to Wayside for zhis gathering....

If only.....

- Binks
Oh My I am horrid - I forgot ! Never mind my concern!

Yeah, sorry about that, Aramis! Hopefully Ilana can help, and hopefully squeezin' through trees works the same here as back in Gaden! It's really hard and painful to move more than just yourself - just a heads up!

~ Silp
I am trying to compile a list of threats and how to deal with them. Please message me with the locations of the brood nests. As another note. I have been informed that some adventures have dealt with some brood that came through the portal. All of them had the typical brood abilities of paralysis and acid. Also, there was one type of brood that could not be hurt by any attacks ABOVE 6 daggers. If you have any requests for information that I should keep my ears out for, please tell me.

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Scribe Migs,

Guild Leader Seablade can speak more adroitly to the point, but the "brood" in anreT are only similar to the creatures we call brood in the vaguest sense. As with most beings in that land, they share a patina of similarity but are shifted in degree to a broad extent. To wit, these brood are maintained by a group of elves in the same way shepherds husband their wolfhounds to protect a flock; that any brood queen I've seen would ever allow this to happen in Terna is beyond the pale. To the extent the shepherds holds the leash on the "First Forest" brood, they will not present the same threat as those which infest and infect wildly elsewhere in Terna. Whether that control will be maintained as magic marches across the continent remains to be seen. If elsewise, Great Dragon protect us.

Of course, any hound off its leash will revert to wolf out of self-preservation. Those brood escaping their master's care through the portals may pose a far more direct and standard threat. When this happens, I'd hazard the majority would be workers or soldiers, as dreadnoughts rarely leave the queen, so the likelihood of infection is slight. Assuming, of course, certain primary genotypic characteristics have been maintained between the two populations.

Dramthin Hartsboon
Keeper of the Tainted Grove
So, since they're kinda like Brood but definitely different than Brood, can we call 'em somethin' different than Brood to avoid confusion about what we're talkin' about? 'Cause I'm sure you'll have to re-explain them bein' Brood-but-Not-Brood a lotta times to people if we keep on callin' 'em Brood!

~ Silp
They still have many of the same characteristics of brood. So what if they are the reticent brood. Reticent because it sounds like Anret plus reticent loosely means hiding ones true self which brood sometimes do.