Seeking Information and a Few Other Things


My fellow adventurers,

I turn to you as I am finding myself in need of some information.

I was wondering if any of you have the patience to instruct me in two different areas: the art of throwing weapons and the ability to impart knowledge unto others. I understand that sharing knowledge is a part of the growth process which is why I wish to be able to do so as well. As far as throwing things, well ... a stone can be as good as an arrow on the field of battle.

Also, I am looking for any information concerning the whereabouts of two individuals: Jacob Van Syle and the good farmer Robert. While Robert may have begun a trade enterprise in the Valley of Solace, I have no idea where Jacob may be found.

Lastly, if anyone knows of any sects/cults/factions/individuals that represent themselves with a yellow (or some similar color) skull, I would appreciate any information that could be shared about them.

I thank you for your time and hope that my plea for information may yield some fruit.

Respectfully yours,

-- Kadien

While I don't know of the questions you need answers I can instruct you and 1 other next market on the art of teaching to others. Perhaps I could give you and the Squire more formalized instruction to teaching others. It truly is about patience and understanding.

I've taught at least one other warrior how to throw weapons nearly every gathering I've shown up to and I'd be glad to teach you as well. Does anyone know if Anthony will be in attendance?

I wouldn't say that I've got a "trade enterprise" started exactly, but I've got myself all situated here in the Valley to see what I can do to help the farmers like you suggested. A few that I've spoken to seem interested in organizing a kind of agricultural community, with the farmers forming a network for sharing tips, equipment, and even land with one another to get better harvests going in the Valley, so I think as the planting season comes I'll start working with them to see how that'll shape up. The soil over here is a little bit drier than the stuff I'm used to, so it might take a little bit of time to get the hang of it and get my bearings on how exactly to organize what crops to what sorts of lands for the best yields and whatnot, but I think we'll make it work.

- Robert Winger
Me can teach both things you want learn.

-Cho Ko Nu
I can teach teaching, ALMOST any weapon and the basics of blacksmithing.
I thank you all for your generous attitude towards allowing me to increase my knowledge. I will most likely seek some of you out during the next gathering of adventurers to follow up on these.

Good ex-Farmer Robert, I am happy to see that you took it upon yourself to see about bringing trade and goods to this part of the lands. The Valley has not been a hospitable place for some time but it is with individuals like you that can see what good can come of a place like this that helps drive our society. If you find that you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact those of us that initially spoke with you concerning this sort of venture. We are happy to see you succeed.
