Seeking Qualified Instructors


Residents and visitors to Fury Falls,

I am seeking to compile a list of individuals who are capable instructors in any and all skills an adventurer or craftsman might wish to learn as part of my desire to improve the well-being of those who call this area home and as an Adventure's Guild initiative. If you are frequently in Fury Falls and wish to be included in the rolls of instructors, I will happily include your name and the skills you are willing to teach.

You may contact me here, or look for the human wearing too much chain mail at any gathering here in Fury Falls.
Be wary of listing your skills publicly in the Apsuudi, my friends. You do not know who is listening.

I urge you to contact Artos privately in this matter.

Sefid in training Rayna
Good man,

Be aware that many will not answer, and certainly not publicly. For example - I do not know you. I have not fought near you, so I do now know what you can do, and you do not know what I can do. Enemies can use such information to plan, as you probably know. The very existence of a compendium like you're intending to create could be quite dangerous, especially if it is left in the hands of those not terribly experienced - sadly, those to whom it would be of the most legitimate use.

Be wary, and as you or those you wish to assist need to learn things, ask around - discretely, if possible. If you prove yourself trustworthy and useful, you should have no trouble finding those willing to teach you.

Alorien Vymereth of Ikar
Late a Sage and Sheriff in other lands
I cannot teach you to waylay. Contrary to seemingly popular belief, that is not a skill that I possess.

- Rali
Oh, I am most definitely aware many will not answer, and those that do will likely not answer publically. I was pleasantly surprised to get any responses at all.

My intention is not to hand it out to anyone who asks, but to help those who are having issues finding teachers as another service the Adventure's Guild might provide. The actual compendium itself would be maintained as part of the Adventurer's Guild's store of knowledge to help those of Fury Falls who may be seeking someone to help them find the right teacher.
The Sage's Guild is also in the business of instruction. Any educational efforts will be worth Guild Points within our esteemed organization, should I be informed of such classes in a timely manner.

Any who organizes a list of "who knows what" I would be very happy to receive a copy of this, that I may more easily direct those who are in need of your educational talents.

In Service,
Tvard Sendall
I would just seek out the appropriate Guild for what I am looking for. If they can't teach you it they should know some one who can, if not they should be kicked out of the guild