Short Sword Found


We found a magical short sword in the encampment, it's white and blue. Several people had mentioned that they lost things. I wasn't paying attention because I didn't care at the time, I was more worried about the lives of the slaves and my soldiers.

I will see this item whoever's it is after they make a small donation to the Healer's Guild or to a fund started on behalf of these newly liberated slaves.

Jared Silverstar

My friend Joe also lost a 2h handed sword. Had a leather grip above the hilt. Not sure if magical.

Also again thank you for your aid in helping liberate my scavengers brother and sisters. You came in our hour of need and turned the tide. If I am able to repay the favor, do not hesitate to ask.

Nothing yet. I figure it'd stick out since most of their weapons are rusted or mostly broken.

I found the body of the "General" here. But, we were looking for a head slaver too. I have yet to find a body.

Any ideas about what happened to him? We're still clearing out the city. Although with our supply lines gone we've pretty much come to a halt.

We've needed to take time to secure sources of food and water until we can figure out how to reestablish them.

This land is barren. Luckily in a past life most of us have worked worse land. It's still a month turn around before we can grow anything useful.

Also can someone explain to me what happened to the the mist? Why are my supply lines suddenly cut off from Dragonreach?

Jared Silverstar

Yeah that is probably important information. This is a bit too much of a public place to discuss, but send scouts south. Use a compass. If you know Banradi, he would be able to explain it better then I. Likely able to make it to Thorncryf as well, Panic has been appraised of the situation as well and might be able to advise how to reestablish supply lines.

Also be weary of Valbrough, and perhaps in general of dark elves. The adventurers have fled a few nights back. They laid assault with giant monsters, strong enough to bash through wards and battle circles.

The slavemaster escaped our grasp. Some say he might be a greater biata, able to use mind magic from a distance. Seem to be command and alternation like effects. Likely why able to catch scavengers so easily. We need to hunt him down.

Respectfully, I think it's probably a really smart idea for me and my men to stay away from Thorncryf. Frustrating Stonefist is one thing. At least he sticks to his rules. Some of us haven't forgotten the Rose Farmer.

Recently he's clearly proved he's much more willing to break the laws or his word when he decided it's for "The Greater Good". He's exactly the kind of man you become when you take rooting out evil too far.

Speaking of him? Where were his troops? He just casually allowed your people to be enslaved? He's had a year to do something about this.

We did it in two weeks.

This wasn't just a minor defeat for the Freygurd. From talking to people around here, this was a major Freygurd hub.

How much of the Rose Farmer was the evil magic and how much was just his nature? Ever wonder why people still hear stories about those scarecrows?

I'll find someone else here to trade with to get supplies anything is better than him.

Jared Silverstar

I don't know much about the information you're looking for, I haven't been around that long as an adventurer. But I do want to help people find good sources of food and water and establish a secure way to continuously get them.

I can look into ideas between markets and maybe help? I'm at lost for what to do, I mostly just know I want to help.

We found a magical short sword in the encampment, it's white and blue. Several people had mentioned that they lost things. I wasn't paying attention because I didn't care at the time, I was more worried about the lives of the slaves and my soldiers.

I will see this item whoever's it is after they make a small donation to the Healer's Guild or to a fund started on behalf of these newly liberated slaves.

Jared Silverstar

Yeah, that'd be Saro's right?

Also that two-handed sword is eminently magical. So much so that I've never seen its like. My assumption is that it's in the hands of the head slaver we failed to assassinate. So that's going to be interesting.

-Joseph Smith

You speak a lot of truth. Of Thorncryf, Ardos was there. I wonder as well since an olive branch has been offered a couple of times from Thorncryf and that we, the Scavengers, have refused; if that is why Thorncryf wasn't there in force. Then again, they weren't building siege weapons to attack anyone but Thorncryf. You make a lot of good points however.


P.S. Aye it's Saro's sword. I let her know that Jared found her sword, but I think at the moment she is trying to make our Homeless Shelter better.
My Lord Silverstar,

Your generosity to the Healers Guild is appreciated- however we are doing ok at the moment.

The Wild-kin that are now free need more help than the guild does.

Please put any donations toward the betterment of the freed salves.

Thank you.

Yours In Service,

Guild Mistress of the Earth Guild of Koroshi
Artifact of the Dragon's Claw
Founder of Forgotten Hope

"My Life For Theirs"
"Defending the Dealings of Time and Space"
Yes! That is indeed my sword! Thank you so much for finding it. I will happily make a generous donation to the freed Scavengers, I just need to know where to deliver it.


While I am
Unsure at this time if there is a kingdom representative for the freed slaves to approach for help directly, I believe 13 would be the best person we know directly to be responsible for the distribution of care to the freed slaves.

13 has been the strongest voice in the adventuring community to help his brothers and sisters- while for some we were too late - those who now know freedom will likely look to him for help and guidance. We should do all we can to help them through 13 and the kingdom as a whole.

Just my opinion !


Guild Mistress of the Earth Guild of Koroshi
Artifact of the Dragon's Claw
Founder of Forgotten Hope

"My Life For Theirs"
"Defending the Dealings of Time and Space"