Something killed Birk!


So, I was all going to go get the good information en get some of that wine, and silvers en all that other stuff youse guys promised to gives me, en I founds birk dead, Kilt in his very own farm wit at least a good twenny other peaceful kobold farmers! I'll bet it was them mist things that did it too. I'll keeps looking around but its gunna takes awhile, anyway we ken knows who did da Birk killing cause they'll prolly have a real nice shiny leaf thing that you ken wear, so if youse see one of them let me know!

Pik - Kobold thing finder

What kind of leaf was it, and was it shiny like a silver piece?

Yeah, en it was hard likes one too so it always looked da same, he used tas wears it all da time everywhere, some kobolds say he gots it from a tree-lady.

-Pik Kobold Thing
I didn't do it... I did not kill a kobold... Well not this time atleast :-/

Secondly, I would like to say that I remember a silver leaf being identified in the celestial circle.

I think it was perhaps the barbarian...
Someone gots Birk's Leaf? Did they finds it on them mist things that was killing everyones? Youse should gives it back, its not yours!

-Pik Kobold Thing Finder
I think its more likely that this Hengin guy stoles it from Birk, prolly help da mist things kill him too! I warned Birk not ta try ta grow nothin best to just snitch what you can when people isn't lookin!

-Huk, Kobold Hedge Wizard, Master of Birk
I would be more than willing to give it back to you if I had it in my posession. However,I only saw it when it was being identified in the celestial circle. I do believe that it is in the posession of a Barbarian named Hengin. I would also like to state for the record this leaf was identified long before the mist creatures attacked the town.

I am very sorry for your loss. If there is anything I can do for you just let me know.

Huk, Pik,

An investigation will be performed to see what did in fact happen. Harming the mists and the lands does not sound like an activity that an earth-loving barbarian would do.

Aeneaus, I would recommend that you do not speculate on what could have happened, thus spreading mis-information. I advise you to remain silent until this has been worked out.

I have not speculated on anything. I said that I saw a silver leaf being identified in the earth circle. I know this as I was standing there talking to the caster beforehand. And I also said that it was not found after we killed the mists... As once again I was standing there while the treasure was divided.

I have only said what it is I saw.

I appologize if I offended you. I am not accusing him of killing Birk. As I was not there when the item was obtained. For all I know something killed them and then the Barbarins group killed them. I am not here to cause problems. I am simply relaying what I saw. From what I know of Hengin I do not believe he would murder a group of Kobolds. So please do not accuse me of speculating as to such.
No offense has been taken. I am not refuting what you did or did not see in any circles or anywhere else for that matter.

Like I said, you do not have all the info, by indicating that Hengin may or may not have said leaf, you have made him culpable for the murders. I would advise you not to spread rumors or insinuations until all the facts have been obtained. That is all.

Besides, having the militia and kobolds fighting each other is bad for business, and for everyone's general well-being.

On a side note, did Birk's spirit resurrect, that would solve a lot of questions right there.

Kobolds, like many of the weaker monsterous races, rarely have the strength of spirit to resurrect.

Da earth 'as many ways of giving, da silver leaf was one. I found da leaf after killing kobalds with swirls on da fac's, that attacked me and ot'ers. Deh had spik' an skulls from dar heads...and were only wantin to kill. We lata' found a scared kobald that say da other kobald with hats do be killin them, so we whent an killed dem so dat deh no longa would kill ot'er kobalds. I have da leaf, and got it off of a kobald wit' swirl coal on his face, and skulls in 'is hair. 'hen identifying it da dark elf say it do be tied to ya spirit if used...I have not used it, and would like to meet with you Huk, Kobold Hedge Wizard, Master of Birk and return it to you. It was of your apr'ntice and it do be yours now.

If da other swirl faced kobald were ya kin, I do not wish to harm ya. De harm us right out' an we fought back, it do seem dat day was kil'n oth'r kobald an us. Huk, I do wish dat Birk spirit return to da earth in peace, an dat his kin will be well.
