Spellcrafting Available



I will have a limited amount of spellcrafting available for those whom would like a temporary augmentation to their weapon.

For a price, I am able to provide your weapon with an additional two dagger blows of damage against one type of creature (details below) that will last the entire gathering.

Creature Types:
Cursed (example: corrupt)
Undead (all types)
Constructs (commonly known as golems)
Foundation Elementals (Flame, Ice, etc.)
Magisterium Elementals (Death, Life, etc.)
Other types are available including Trolls, if interested let me know.

I will be providing one component as well as my skill and competency in crafting the enchantment. If you are interested in purchasing this augmentation for the next gather let me know.

Furthermore, if you wish constribute more components, for an additional 1, I can enchant your weapon for four additional dagger blows, and for an additional two, I can enchant your weapon to a maximum of six additional dagger blows! If you wish to exercise this option I can contact you privately with what component types I would need.

May the Light guide you and may Shadow guard your path.

Arcanist Dure'dhel
Warlock of the Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden