Squire Gryphon's Tea Tent


Colorado Staff
I like you Squire Gryphon, but on behalf of professionals and a member of the Broker's Guild, I have to make this statement.

I denounce the Tea Tent as a reliable source of beverage. At last examination, his "concoctions" make outlandish claims of empowerment. At my examination, his drinks neither conferred any benefits nor were imbued with alchemical intoxicants. Speaking with the sellers, they seemed to back these claims. I realize the signs are meant to be satirical, but as a respected Alchemist, I request this be made clear on your signage at your earliest convenience. Currently, it belittles Alchemists, who already have a bad reputation from street vendors selling false "Snake Oils" to the populace.

I'm making these statements in reference to rumors, where the general populace seems confused between visiting a reliable alchemist, and a backyard berry fermenter.

Hunter Davion,
As a Journeyman Alchemist of many years
Hunter Davion,

I like you too...

The Tea Tent has never attempted to incroach upon the transactions of professional Alchemists. While we do market quality products to be inbibed from the renoun Black Wolf Brewery, we do not have (nor have we ever made claim to have) an Alchemist on staff at The Tea Tent. I do not believe the general populace is confused in the least. People visit an Alchemist when they wish to obtain a potion or other alchemical substance. People visit The Tea Tent when they wish a social drink, to relax, to host a cultural experience (such as diplomatic relations, or even a picnic with foods from each culture represented), to meet friends, to host a private family/group meeting, or to catch up on the news of the local community.

I am sorry if the author of this statement feels belittled, or feels that Alchemists have a bad reputation. I certainly hold the art of Alchemy in high regard and those professionals that embrace it in high esteem. Indeed, I am currently in search of an Alchemist(s) to teach me in fine arts of this noble profession. Should you (or other trained Alchemists) have the time and patience - or know someone that does - then please indulge me with your knowledge.

Walk with Honor,
Squire Victor von Gryphon