Stone elf wear


i have seen through past photos that most stone elves are dressed in drab black. I wear green armor and have green bags and weapons. My reasons for it are because my race comes from the forest where we were cursed into what we are now. I have had many compliments about changing up the goth type that seems to be sinonimus with the stone elf.
Does anyone else dress in colors with there stone elf. Currently don't have any pics but have a event next weekend and will have some.
I don't see why anybody would take exception to a stone elf wearing what makes the most sense to him. Personally I go with all black and white because, well, I do as well, and I wanted to look vaguely nun-like. I do know there's a stone elf in the neighborhood (Oregon) who has been seen wearing bright patterns occasionally through the bad influence of a gypsy companion (the pot accused the kettle).

I have briefly considered going all purple but that seems... Excessive.
I used to wear reds for fancy times for Kar, and now wear Black and blue because of the court I am a part of. I think as long as the reasons for wearing the colors make sense, even if the reason is just "they're colors I don't care" or "I like them" it doesn't matter.