Stronger with earth



Me take advantage of no Corrupt attack during Respite for travel across Valley of Solace at most safe time of year.

Me seeking homeland of me tribe of Irrigu in Pratorak for grow stronger ties with earth and me personal tribesman roots. It be time for Cho Ko Nu take life of adventurer and fighter against Corrupt with full respect for danger and keep others safe, no more only think about me self.

Me come back stronger with power of earth and more resistant of twisted element magics. Me make Oath against necromancy and element magics, and me keep that vow. Me fulfill promise for be Defender of Earth Guild when me return with full strength of fighter and tribesman united as one.

Me keep me head and hope all you do same until we meet again.

-Cho Ko Nu
Master of Weapons
Defender of Earth Guild
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Cho Ko Nu,

Good to see that you are taking your vows to heart. I look forward to seeing you soon.

Walk with Honor,
~Squire Victor