Summer 1514 Rumors

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
“Long live King Talon!”

“Last month, I started renting out my barns to a whole crowd of those Empire folks to stay in and it was the best decision I’ve made in a while, since apparently they’ve got some wealth to their names!”
“You’ve had better luck than me then, ‘cause last month I rented out my barn for a single night to a merchant for his goods and someone burned it down!”

“Did you see those creepy marks on Baroness Shademarch’s face at the dance? I wonder what happened to her.”

“Squire Von Gryphon has passed his Tests of Knighthood! Now all he has to do is tell the nobles how he did it and hope for the best.”

“I swear that a tree started talking to me yesterday! The thing was huge!”
“Well, what did it say?”
“No idea; I wasn't going to stick around to find out!”

“I can’t believe Jenny wasn’t chosen by the King! She looked absolutely gorgeous in that dress!”

“Either children are getting kidnapped or there’s some secret Kid’s Guild meetings going on, ‘cause a half dozen kids have disappeared over the last two weeks.”

“Don’t tell Healer Asher, but some Earth Guild members have starting referring to flawing a ritual as ‘Ashering a ritual’”.

“I reckon that Kirna Lightfoot is gonna hate those adventurers more than ever now that they beat his team for the Silver Frond.”
“Yeah, and I hear he ain’t too happy with the dwarves in the Northeast Ridge as well.”

“Apparently three Goblin princesses were angry that they weren’t allowed in to try to marry the King, ‘cause they spent a good bit of time vandalizing the doors to the hall before being forced off the premises.”

“If the people with purple around their eyes are from the Empire, then where are the animals with purple around their mouths from?”

“Bethanne is Jimmy Three Face.”