Teaser: 2017 Closer


He lets out of a cough. Dust is thick in the air. "This has gotten messier then I had hoped it would. We need an alternative. I will return." The man, well for lack of a better word, turns around and walks away. Soon his figure fades into the deep clouds of dust.

The man continues to walk. Soon the stars shine above him. A sight he isn't often used to. The mist around him grows think. He laughs to himself. "I guess I cannot escape something in the air".

He emerges from the mist in a small town. A farmer is getting an early start on transporting his goods to market but in his rush one of the wheels of his cart come lose and the cart all but tips over. The mans approaches the farmer. "Do you need assistance good man?". The farmer has a terrified look on his face. "Uhh. No. I'm fine.". "Nonsense" the man says. He lifts the cart up so the farmer can put the wheel back on. The farmer thanks the man. "Good man, may I ask a favor?" The farmer let's out a quick "Sure". "You have adventurers in this land yes? Where do they spend their time?" "Valbrough sir" The man follows up with "Ah. Of course, and is there an easy way to get there?" "Uhh. Yes sir. If you can figure out how to use that stone." The farmer gestures behind him. "Wonderful thank you for your time". The man walks towards the stone.

A few moments later he's greeted by a change of scenery. "Ah. Valbrough. Perhaps we can make a deal"

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