Lily is walking down the path carrying Cade's helmet. I cannot believe he bent the knee. It's easy to kneel but I don't think they are going to let you stand up again Cade. Tobais made this helmet for you made your armor. Hell I gifted you my seax at your knighting ceremony. She shakes her head.
This town, half are being eaten from the inside by the shield, the other half are being eaten from the outside by the 13th tribe. The Fae judgement still is upon us. Once that meeting turned into a farce, I knew there was nothing I could do for the ones being eaten from the outside. They chose the eaters. I still know all your names.
So I chose to try to help those being eaten from the inside. After I left the meeting Armorwyn followed, we went into the woods and begged the Fae to race change us so we could help carry the shield. I don't have a lot of memories but today is one I wouldn't mind forgetting. No one answered.
On the way back to town is when I heard about Cade, I look over and see his helmet just left in the dust. I pick it up and walk towards the mysts.
Just about to enter and this person falls out of the mysts clutching this tiny piece of paper. I drop Cade's helmet as he falls into my arms. I don't recognize him. He is obvious near death, he raises his hand and whispers HELP. I take the piece of paper and begin first aid it's no use, his spirit is very weak, he dies in my arms.
Tel'Vania huh, a note exactly like this brought me to Kupspar, maybe this will work out better. I left the messenger in as peaceful a manner as possible, I sit Cade's helmet next to the fallen with the note maybe others will choose to follow as well.