Thank You

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Druid Asher and Briar of First Forest,

Thank you for your generosity in giving the Bountiful Harvest scroll to father! Ever since he has cast it, he has become more of himself than he has been in almost a decade, with the soil in our home having been enhanced to rekindle his sanity and purge him of his sickness. As I told you, father wished to cast the Bountiful Harvest for the earthen version, rather than the necromantic perversion, and I am pleased to see that you finally were willing to assist us.

As was promised, I have been granted the Gift of Life, which I must say is a form that complements my connection to Growth far more than the undead form I used to have, and I also have been granted the form of another race to prolong my life. I know you are still displeased that... another member of my family who will remain nameless is still an undead, but his undead state resonates with his connection to Decay and will have to remain so for the time being.

Once again, thank you for your generosity. We are all so pleased to see father in his right mind again!

- Gectis