The 12 who opened the box


Everyone Gorka think it good idea to get everyone's who opened the box's spirit identified. Cus things can be going on that you don't understand but someone invested in a celestial circle can figure out.

Gorka offer to pay the guild fee, Gandian or Dure'dhel can do it or Roy soon as he invested or a guilds men. So who ever you feel ok with looking at your spirit. It take a fee but Gorka will play it if you can't afford it.

Thank you,
So I take it, some adventurers went meddling with that box of Weal & Woe I've been hearing about? Can someone give me and update on what happened while Iggy & I were off surveying the lands for some possible places to start a mine.

May your weapons strike true,
- Tazoulti Strongbeard

I have been experiencing an increase in intense emotion after this last market day. There were so many disturbing things that happened. The only good thing to come out of it is the way that Stone Magic seems to be making my feel. However, with all due respect to Gandian and Dure'dhel and all their much experience, I don't think that I will take on any more Sky Magic. I will just ride these changes out.

Regards, Socora
Adventurers of Shademarch,

Let it be known that the Order of Shadow's Light will assist in the identification/purification of those negatively affected by this "box." We stand with our friends who have also stood with us.

I will be personally investigating the situation in just under three weeks time and invite any who wish to accompany me to join with me at that time.

May the Light guide you and may Shadow guard your path.

Arcanist Dure'dhel
Warlock of the Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden
oops Socora Gorka had not thought about the celestial stuff and you, or Kendra for that matter. Might Gorka persuade you two warrior women to allow me to inspect the health of your bodies at least in the earth circle? Maybe Gorka can make sure its all alright that way.

Gorka sorry about being insensitive.
