The Call to Return Home.


To all those in the lower Kingdoms of Gaden, Pratorak and Roskaria,

We of the Vornae have determined it is no long in our interest to lend our guidance, martial prowess, or presence to your people, because of this decision, all those Vornae given leave to explore your kingdoms and world have already been recalled. We leave you two links should there need to be contact, at their descretion.

First to the Father of the Prince of Gaden, we leave our Ambassador, to help guide his steps and keep us informed of anything that may affect our people. We do this because we have seen the Prince and may have use of him, and his people in the future.

Second to the Adventurers in the region of ShadeMarch I leave you the Arcanist Dure'del, and some small number of Vornae that will serve as his guard, we further grant him permission to choose those of the people he wishes to stay and serve his needs and aims. We do this in recognition of your wisdom in heeding his guidance in the past in serving the Vornae.

All other Vornae will return home immediately, or see them selves become Drae, unworthy of our houses.

- The Matron
Head of House Roiyaru